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(BIS) 莫札特 第三號 五號小提琴協奏曲 Mozart Violin Concertos SACD1754 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

(BIS) 莫札特 第三號 五號小提琴協奏曲 Mozart Violin Concertos SACD1754 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


專輯類型: 1SACD 發行年份: 2010 國際條碼: 7318599917542 音樂廠牌: BIS 澳洲室內管弦樂團和指揮理查.托奈提的現場演出被英國泰晤士報說「像是在豪飲維他命飲料」舊金山紀事報則說他們敏銳的節奏控制力和純淨音色令多數室內樂團也為之眼紅。別以為他們只有現場演出才有如此感染力,就算是這張莫札特小提琴協奏曲的錄音專輯,他們的演出依舊令人刮目相看。市面上已經有為數不少的莫札特小提琴協奏曲,詮釋更是各有千秋。即便如此,托奈提和樂團從第三號協奏曲開頭的齊奏和弦便成功營造令人想一聽究竟的罕見期待感,他們發出的聲音不僅聽來鮮明而且新穎,就算是最平淡無奇的伴奏段落,他們依舊能以優異的節奏感和旺盛的精力賦予最不平凡的詮釋。這都得歸功於全團乃至獨奏者都以羊腸弦演奏,木管部門則是使用仿製莫札特時代的樂器。同時他們也極力避免落入巢臼,托奈提說「我們都清楚學術研究是怎麼說,就像不同的廚師形容同一道料理,我們也知道莫札特最引人注目的便是他的原創性,因此若要按學術專家的思維照本宣科反而是徒勞無功,與其如此乾脆把重心放在他寫的音符,從這裡開始就好」,這種思維似乎還真不無道理,特別是對一個團體來說。托奈提擔任澳洲室內管弦樂團的藝術總監和首席已經超過二十年,兩者長年培養下來的默契,讓他們經常在演出時只要一個眼神一個動作,便能彼此心領神會,對一個樂團而言,這種信任和默契更是益發難得。 Experiencing the Australian Chamber Orchestra and their leader Richard Tognetti in concert has been described in The Times (UK) as 'like taking a swig of a vitamin drink', while a reviewer in the San Francisco Chronicle was struck by 'the sort of fleet rhythmic control and tonal purity that most chamber groups can only envy.' As demonstrated by this recording of Mozart's violin concertos (the first of two discs), both statements also apply to the team's performances in the studio. These are works which exist in countless versions on disc, and in interpretations of the most varying kind. Even so, Tognetti and his band from the very first tutti chord of Concerto No.3 manage to create a rare sense of expectancy, building sonorities that feel constantly fresh and new, and infusing even the most innocuous figure in the accompaniment with an uncommon rhythmic and dynamic vitality. Contributing to this is the fact that the strings (soloist and tutti) play on gut strings, while the wind players perform on replicas of instruments from Mozart's time. At the same time all hard-line dogmatism has been avoided: as Tognetti writes in his own introduction to the recording 'we know what the treatises say, and that they diverge like different chefs describing the same dish. And we know that Mozart was the most strikingly original of musicians, and thus may have done nothing like what the experts' dissertations directed. So we simply look at the notes he wrote down, and start from there.' It is certainly a philosophy that seems to work, especially for a team - Tognetti has been the leader and artistic director of the ACO for more than 20 years - with a relationship between tutti players and soloist that is so close as to seem almost telepathic. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Concerto No.3 in G major, K216 21'59 01 I. Allegro 8'47 02 II. Adagio 6'45 03 III. Rondeau. Allegro – Andante – Allegretto – Tempo primo 6'27 Violin Concerto No.5 in A major, K219 27'39 04 I. Allegro aperto – Adagio – Allegro aperto 9'52 05 II. Adagio 9'03 06 III. Rondeau. Tempo di Menuetto 8'44 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonia concertante in E flat major, K364 for violin, viola and orchestra 28'44 07 I. Allegro maestoso 12'53 08 II. Andante 9'52 09 III. Presto 5'59 Album total 79'52






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