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(BIS) 小川典子 莫札特 第10到12號鋼琴奏鳴曲 Ogawa Mozart Sonatas SACD1985 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

(BIS) 小川典子 莫札特 第10到12號鋼琴奏鳴曲 Ogawa Mozart Sonatas SACD1985 規格

(BIS) 小川典子 莫札特 第10到12號鋼琴奏鳴曲 Ogawa Mozart Sonatas SACD1985 最新價格

(BIS) 小川典子 莫札特 第10到12號鋼琴奏鳴曲 Ogawa Mozart Sonatas SACD1985 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

(BIS) 小川典子 莫札特 第10到12號鋼琴奏鳴曲 Ogawa Mozart Sonatas SACD1985 描述

專輯類型: 1SACD 發行年份: 2012 國際條碼: 7318599919850 音樂廠牌: BIS 莫札特 第10-12號鋼琴奏鳴曲 小川典子 鋼琴 無論是最近發行的德布西鋼琴作品全集,還是拉赫曼尼諾夫的鋼琴協奏曲,甚至是像武滿徹這樣的當代作品,似乎都難不倒小川典子(1973年生),這位里茲國際鋼琴比賽第三名的鋼琴家在賽程結束後反而受到不少注目,就此展開她的國際演奏事業,從纖細的觸鍵到力道飽滿的大音量,在她雙掌之下彷彿總是能將鋼琴的演奏機能發揮到極致。小川典子目前是英國市政廳音樂院教授以及東京音樂大學客座教授。這張專輯她安排了莫札特的三首鋼琴奏鳴曲,長期以來外界一直認為這是莫札特1777-78年造訪巴黎時所留下的作品,因而為這三首奏鳴曲慣上「巴黎奏鳴曲」的稱號,但是根據最新的證據顯示,這些作品的創作時間應該是在1782-83年才對。當時莫札特正試圖在維也納立足,鋼琴奏鳴曲不僅可以在日漸興盛的音樂家庭中創造可觀的銷量進而為他增加收入,也相當適合作為指導維也納貴婦的教材。即便兩百多年過去,這些奏鳴曲依舊是莫札特最受人喜愛的作品之一,像是作品332號F大調奏鳴曲的慢板樂章以及作品331號A大調奏鳴曲最後樂章的土耳其進行曲,無一不是讓人朗朗上口的悅耳樂音,這也正說明了莫札特的魅力何在。 Andrew McGregor, BBC Radio 3 CD Review, 05/01/2013: "A lovely focussed sound ... played with an uncomplicated clarity that I found attractive, allowing Mozart to speak with direct simplicity." A remarkably versatile musician, Noriko Ogawa's highly acclaimed recordings range from the recent box set of Debussy's complete piano music ('an exceptionally fine advocate', BBC Music Magazine), opulent piano concertos (for instance Rachmaninov's 2nd and 3rd Concerto: 'luminous, electrifying performances', Fanfare) and contemporary music (Takemitsu, Complete Solo Piano Music: 'Ogawa has illuminated the inner recesses of these pieces', Classic CD). She now reaches back to the classical era, with three piano sonatas by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Long believed to have been composed during a visit to Paris in 1777-78, these three sonatas are often grouped together as 'the Paris Sonatas', but it is now established that they were in fact written – or at least first committed to paper – in 1782-83. At the time, Mozart was establishing himself in Vienna, and to that aim piano sonatas were useful in two respects: they were saleable commodities popular within the growing domestic market for printed music, but equally, they served him as material for teaching the piano to daughters of the Viennese nobility. More than 200 years later these particular sonatas remain among Mozart's best-loved compositions, as popular for the tunefulness found in the Adagio of Sonata in F major, K 332, as for the immediacy of the 'Alla Turca' finale of Sonata in A major, K 331 conjuring up an image of the Turkish janissary army advancing on Vienna. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Sonata No.10 in C major, K330 24'55 01 I. Allegro moderato 9'43 02 II. Andante cantabile 6'27 03 III. Allegretto 8'45 Piano Sonata No.11 in A major, K331 24'22 04 I. Theme and Variations 14'28 05 II. Menuetto 6'17 06 III. Alla Turca 3'37 Piano Sonata No.12 in F major, K332 25'08 07 I. Allegro 10'21 08 II. Adagio 4'21 09 III. Allegro assai 10'26 Album total 76'00

(BIS) 小川典子 莫札特 第10到12號鋼琴奏鳴曲 Ogawa Mozart Sonatas SACD1985 商品選項

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