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(BIS) 布勞提岡 莫札特 第17號 26號鋼琴協奏曲 Mozart SACD1944 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

(BIS) 布勞提岡 莫札特 第17號 26號鋼琴協奏曲 Mozart SACD1944 規格

(BIS) 布勞提岡 莫札特 第17號 26號鋼琴協奏曲 Mozart SACD1944 最新價格

(BIS) 布勞提岡 莫札特 第17號 26號鋼琴協奏曲 Mozart SACD1944 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

(BIS) 布勞提岡 莫札特 第17號 26號鋼琴協奏曲 Mozart SACD1944 描述

專輯類型: 1SACD 發行年份: 2012 國際條碼: 7318599919447 音樂廠牌: BIS 被國際唱片評論雜誌形容為「光是那靈敏的運指和充滿美感的旋律線,便足以說他是天生的莫札特專家」。已經發行過莫札特和海頓的鋼琴奏鳴曲以及貝多芬鋼琴協奏曲和奏鳴曲系列,布勞提岡又回頭繼續莫札特鋼琴協奏曲的新專輯。與前兩集相同由麥可.亞歷山大.威廉斯率領的古樂團「科隆學會合奏團」擔任合作樂團,有媒體形容兩者的合作是一等一的莫札特詮釋人選。第26號鋼琴協奏曲常被暱稱為「加冕」,這是由於第一版樂譜上頭標示著「作曲家本人於李奧波德二世加冕儀式上演出」。實際上莫札特並未在該場合演出,而是典禮結束之後的一個星期。而且這首作品也並非為典禮所寫,早在一年前莫札特便在維也納發表首演,也因為那份優美和洛可可風格註定會被後世傳唱。莫札特鮮少為自己以外的獨奏者寫協奏曲,不過他卻把第17號協奏曲送給自己的學生芭芭拉.普洛雅,最後一個樂章是主題則仿照布雷舞曲的變奏曲形式,也是本曲另一個特別之處。 Described in International Record Review as 'an absolutely instinctive Mozartian, with fleet fingerwork to match any, and with melodic playing of consummate beauty', Ronald Brautigam returns with the third instalment in his series of Mozart's piano concertos. As on the two previous discs, he is joined by the period band Die Kolner Akademie conducted by Michael Alexander Willens, forming a partnership described on website as 'Mozart interpreters of the first order'. The present disc includes Piano Concerto No.26 in D major, K 537, nicknamed the 'Coronation Concerto' on the basis of the slightly misleading information given on the title page of the first edition of the work, stating that the work was 'performed by the composer at Frankfurt-am-Main on the occasion of the Coronation of Emperor Leopold II', in October 1790. Mozart did in fact perform the work in Frankfurt, but the concert took place a week after the actual coronation, and was not part of the official festivities. Nor was it written for the occasion – Mozart had in fact premiered it the previous year, in Vienna. Popular for its beauty and rococo style, it is here preceded by Piano Concerto No.17 in G major, K 453, one of the rare concertos that Mozart composed with another soloist than himself in mind. Written for and premiered by his student Barbara Ployer, it is also unusual in that Mozart cast its last movement as a set of variations, with a bourree-like theme developed at a helter-skelter pace, similar to an operatic scene unfolding on stage. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Concerto No.17 in G major, K 453 26'38 01 I. Allegro 10'43 02 II. Andante 8'31 03 III. Allegretto – Presto 7'24 Piano Concerto No.26 in D major, K 537 27'24 04 I. Allegro 12'33 05 II. Larghetto 4'46 06 III. Allegretto 10'05 Album total 55'04

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(BIS) 布勞提岡 莫札特 第17號 26號鋼琴協奏曲 Mozart SACD1944 用戶評測


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