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(BIS) 布勞提岡 莫札特 第20號 27號鋼琴協奏曲 Mozart Piano Concertos SACD2014 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

(BIS) 布勞提岡 莫札特 第20號 27號鋼琴協奏曲 Mozart Piano Concertos SACD2014 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


專輯類型: 1SACD 發行年份: 2013 國際條碼: 7318599920146 音樂廠牌: BIS 1785年完成後,D小調第20號鋼琴協奏曲接下來的半世紀內一直是莫札特最常被演出的鋼琴協奏曲之一,直到今日,這首作品依舊是音樂會最常見的曲目。貝多芬對莫札特亦是相當景仰,曾在1795年三月為莫札特的遺孀舉辦慈善音樂會,他當然也發現這首作品沈思憂鬱的開頭有許多值得讚賞之處,切分音的使用是其特色,稍後莫札特用了更為猛烈的爆發來凸顯這項特色。莫札特學者約翰.艾文在解說詳細的CD手冊中說這首作品是「莫札特最陰暗的協奏曲」D小調協奏曲完成六年後,1791年1月作曲家又寫了降B大調第27號鋼琴協奏曲,兩個月後旋即搬上舞台首演。這也是他最後一次以獨奏家身份登台演出,或許因為如此,莫札特以往才氣縱橫的火花在這首協奏曲顯得相對溫和,似乎像是已有預感自己即將不久人世(是年12月過世)。然而經後人詳細考證手稿後發現此曲在完稿的前兩年便開始動工,當時莫札特豈會知道自己不出幾年將離世,因此上述這種論調顯然已經被推翻。然而它的語法比起莫札特多數的鋼琴協奏曲的確是更為內斂,他似乎一開始就已經打算寫出一首崇高莊嚴不同以往的協奏曲。這是布勞提岡和科隆學會合奏團合作的第五張莫札特鋼琴協奏曲,德國權威鋼琴雜誌「Piano News」表示這系列的發行是「真正讓人開心的天大好消息」。1995年和BIS開始合作的布勞提岡已有超過五十張的發行,知名的有和阿姆斯特丹小交響樂團合作的孟德爾頌鋼琴協奏曲全集、以古鋼琴演奏的莫札特、海頓的鋼琴獨奏作品全集。 "This is lovely stuff, and I will be on the lookout for further releases in this series. …this new disc will soften the blow after even the most manic Monday." Fanfare Among the most widely performed of Mozart's piano concertos for a good half century after its composition in 1785, the Concerto No.20 in D minor still assumes a commanding place in the concert hall. Among its early devotees was Beethoven, who performed the work at a benefit concert for Mozart's widow in March 1795 and who may well have found much to admire in the work's brooding opening, characterized by syncopations and later punctuated by more aggressive outbursts; in his informative liner notes, the Mozart scholar John Irving goes so far as to call it 'Mozart's grittiest concerto'. Six years after the D minor concerto, in January 1791, the composer completed the Piano Concerto No.27 in B flat major, K595, giving the first performance of it two months later. This was to be his last public appearance as a soloist, and the concerto has sometimes been considered as a work in which the typical sparkle of Mozart's virtuosity is tempered by resignation, as if the composer were already aware of his imminent demise. Such an interpretation is contradicted by a close study of the autograph manuscript, however: the concerto appears to have been begun two full years before it was completed. Its language is nevertheless more introverted than most of Mozart's works in the genre: he seems to be aiming for a sublime delicacy of expression rarely attempted elsewhere in his concerto output. These two exceptional works are here performed by Ronald Brautigam and Die Kolner Akademie, on their fifth disc of Mozart's concertos – an ongoing series which has been described as 'a lucky break and a true delight' in the German magazine Piano News. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Concerto No.20 in D minor, K 466 26'06 01 I. Allegro 12'00 02 II. Romanze 7'17 03 III. Allegro assai 6'49 Piano Concerto No.27 in B flat major, K 595 26'32 04 I. Allegro 12'57 05 II. Larghetto 5'20 06 III. Rondo. Allegro 8'15 Album total 53'34






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