(BIS) 布勞提岡 莫札特 第19號 23號鋼琴協奏曲 Mozart Piano Concerto SACD1964 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
專輯類型: 1SACD 發行年份: 2013 國際條碼: 7318599919645 音樂廠牌: BIS 光是在1784和1786兩年之間莫札特便寫下超過12首的鋼琴協奏曲,這樣的成就很難有作曲家能望其項背。這當中公認是聽來最叫人心情愉悅的莫過於被暱稱為「第二首加冕協奏曲」的F大調鋼琴協奏曲K459。暱稱的由來是因為他曾在1790年於美因河畔法蘭克福(此為德國西部的法蘭克福,與東部奥得河畔法蘭克福為不同城市)舉辦的里奧波德二世加冕典禮的慶祝活動上將這首與D大調加冕協奏曲放在一起演出而得名。這是布勞提岡的第四張莫札特鋼琴協奏曲專輯,其他曲目同樣都來自莫札特同時期作品。A大調協奏曲K488於1784年開始動筆,1786年三月完成,莫札特的歌劇費加洛婚禮也在此時收尾。這是莫札特在編制中加入豎笛的三首鋼琴協奏曲之一,因而樂團音響營造出有別於其他作品的效果,這點在慢板樂章更是明顯。莫札特對此曲相當寄予厚望,除了形容這是他的代表作之一,並且說這是只保留給自己以及真正懂得欣賞的知音人。能夠歷經兩百多年的歷史流傳至今,此一評價自然著無庸議。布勞提岡與科隆學會合奏團將於2013年5月12日抵台演出,布勞提岡在BIS的多張專輯像是貝多芬的奏鳴曲以及莫札特的奏鳴曲與變奏曲,還有海頓的鍵盤作品全集在國際樂壇間皆有不錯評價,2009年秋天開始,他又著手進行莫札特鋼琴協奏曲全集的錄音計畫,能夠親自進入國家音樂廳欣賞與CD不同感受的現場演出,其實是相當難得的機會,無論你是否聽過古鋼琴的演出,這張專輯和演出絕對不會令你後悔! Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Piano Concerto No.19 in F major, K459 Piano Concerto No.23 in A major, K488 Ronald Brautigam, fortepiano Die Kolner Akademie / Michael Alexander Willens In just two years, between 1784 and 1786, Mozart composed no less than twelve piano concertos – a staggering number. Often described as one of the most light-hearted and buoyant among these is the Concerto in F major K459, sometimes called 'the second Coronation Concerto'. The nickname comes from the fact that Mozart would later choose to perform it, along with the 'Coronation Concerto' in D major, during the festivities surrounding the coronation of Emperor Leopold II in Frankfurt-am-Main in 1790. Its companion work on this fourth disc in Ronald Brautigam's survey hails from the same period: begun in 1784, the Concerto in A major K488 was completed in March 1786, at the same time as Mozart was putting the finishing touches to his opera Le nozze di Figaro. It is one of only three piano concertos in which Mozart uses clarinets in the orchestra, resulting in a very particular sound world, especially in the magical slow movement. Mozart clearly held the work in high regard, and described it as one of his most select compositions 'which I keep just for myself and an elite circle of music lovers', and later audiences have agreed with him. Ronald Brautigam has been described as 'an absolutely instinctive Mozartian… with melodic playing of consummate beauty' (International Record Review), and he is once again supported by the period orchestra Die Kolner Akademie conducted by Michael Alexander Willens in a partnership which more than one reviewer has termed 'ideal'. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Concerto No.19 in F major, K 459 24'47 01 I. Allegro 11'12 02 II. Allegretto 6'19 03 III. Allegro assai 7'16 Piano Concerto No.23 in A major, K 488 23'52 04 I. Allegro 10'34 05 II. Adagio 5'33 06 III. Allegro assai 7'45 Album total 50'00