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(BIS) 布魯克納 降E大調第四號交響曲(浪漫) Bruckner Romantic SACD1746 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

(BIS) 布魯克納 降E大調第四號交響曲(浪漫) Bruckner Romantic SACD1746 規格

(BIS) 布魯克納 降E大調第四號交響曲(浪漫) Bruckner Romantic SACD1746 最新價格

(BIS) 布魯克納 降E大調第四號交響曲(浪漫) Bruckner Romantic SACD1746 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

(BIS) 布魯克納 降E大調第四號交響曲(浪漫) Bruckner Romantic SACD1746 描述

專輯類型: 1SACD 發行年份: 2010 國際條碼: 7318599917467 音樂廠牌: BIS 自1881年維也納首演以來,降E大調第四號交響曲受到世人喜愛的程度始終歷久不衰,穩居布魯克納最受歡迎作品的寶座。據說首演時由於聽眾太過熱情,布魯克納只好每個樂章演出結束都出來致謝一次。「浪漫」則是作曲家自己為作品冠上的名稱,不過浪漫一詞這個想法應是參照中世紀騎士故事(如華格納的羅恩格林或齊格飛)的概念而非一般人認為的浪漫情愛。事實上,布魯克納也的確曾為作品提供下列的想像參考:在中世紀的城鎮,第一道曙光照射出騎乘戎馬的騎士英姿...大自然的奧妙圍繞其間...。 1881年首演的其實是1874年首度完稿後又重新校訂的版本。儘管首演版大受歡迎,眾所皆知作曲家本人習慣對自己作品修修改改,這裡的1888年版也是該作品在他生前首度發行的樂譜版本。不過歷經數十載歲月後,許多音樂學者對此校訂版的真偽有許多分歧,然而美國音樂學者班傑明.寇斯維特依舊力排眾議,將之重新修訂並於2004年推出。 在本輯解說冊中,寇斯維特對其間背景的諸多探討以及版本間差異的生動描述皆是布魯克納收藏家值得參考之處。或許樂譜有許多爭論,但是不管如何凡斯卡和明尼蘇達的演奏本身至少不負眾望維持優異水準。( Symphony No.4 in E-flat major has belonged to Anton Bruckner's most popular works ever since its first performance, in Vienna 1881, when the composer was reportedly called out to take a bow after each movement. It is often called the 'Romantic', a nickname that Bruckner himself used, most probably in reference to the literary genre of the medieval romance, rather than to the concept of romantic love. Indeed, Bruckner is claimed to have provided a sort of programme to the work, setting the scene for its opening as follows: 'Medieval town – first daylight – on proud chargers knights sally forth ... the wonder of nature surrounds them ...' What was performed in Vienna in 1881 was a second, revised version of the symphony, which had actually already seen first light in 1874. In spite of the success of the revised version, further revisions took place before publication, resulting in the so-called '1888 version' recorded here. Although this remained the preferred version for several decades, it later became discredited, as it was assumed that the revisions it contained were the product of others than the composer himself. The rehabilitation of the 1888 version is to a large extent due to the efforts of the musicologist Benjamin Korstvedt, who in 2004 prepared the first modern edition of the 1888 version for the Bruckner Collected Works edition. In his liner notes to the present disc, Korstvedt discusses this background, giving a number of interesting illustrations of the differences between editions. It has been said that Bruckner took Beethoven's Symphony No.9 as the starting point for his symphonies. It therefore seems logical that Osmo Vanska and his Minnesota Orchestra have chosen to record this work after their acclaimed cycle of Beethoven's symphonies. Re-released as a boxed set in 2009, the Beethoven recordings were described as 'unquestionably one the great Beethoven cycles' on website and 'unswervingly rewarding' in Classic FM Magazine, while the reviewer in American Record Guide found it 'hard to think of a more distinguished Beethoven cycle by an American orchestra since the legendary Toscanini traversal of 1939. Anton Bruckner Symphony No.4 in E flat major 62'22 01 I. Ruhig bewegt (nur nicht schnell) 18'06 02 II. Andante 16'18 03 III. Scherzo. Bewegt – Trio. Gemachlich 9'03 04 IV. Finale. MaBig bewegt 18'55 Album total 63'21

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