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(BIS) 莫札特 雙簧管音樂(歐格林裘克) Mozart Music for Oboe SACD2007 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

(BIS) 莫札特 雙簧管音樂(歐格林裘克) Mozart Music for Oboe SACD2007 規格

(BIS) 莫札特 雙簧管音樂(歐格林裘克) Mozart Music for Oboe SACD2007 最新價格

(BIS) 莫札特 雙簧管音樂(歐格林裘克) Mozart Music for Oboe SACD2007 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

(BIS) 莫札特 雙簧管音樂(歐格林裘克) Mozart Music for Oboe SACD2007 描述

專輯類型: 1SACD 發行年份: 2013 國際條碼: 7318599920078 音樂廠牌: BIS 1777年莫札特在曼海姆度過相當漫長的時間並在此時結識了雙簧管演奏家弗列德里希.拉姆。他是當時歐洲公認頂尖的曼海姆管弦樂團的雙簧管首席。同年稍早莫札特才為另一位音樂家寫下雙簧管協奏曲,但是他對拉姆的演奏能力留下深刻印象,於是用鋼琴將這首曲子彈給拉姆聽,拉姆本人也相當欣賞這首作品,即便這首協奏曲並非題獻給他,他依舊在1778年2月14日之前頻繁的演出這首曲目超過五次,可說給足莫札特面子。「拉姆的演奏實在令人嘆為觀止」莫札特本人如此讚嘆。之後莫札特總算找到機會為拉姆量身訂做了一首足以展現他過人技巧的雙簧管五重奏,同時也挑戰當時雙簧管的演出極限。身為皇家大會堂管弦樂團的雙簧管首席又是世界知名的獨奏家,阿雷西.歐格林裘克儼然就是這個時代的弗列德里希.拉姆。前一張巴哈的雙簧管協奏曲專輯被德國古典音樂網站評為成績斐然,音色更被法國古典音樂雜誌"Classica"譽為圓潤飽滿,溫暖醇厚。歐格林裘克身兼獨奏並且指揮立陶宛室內管弦樂團,表現可圈可點,更絕的是他甚至找來父親雷歐尼德.歐格林裘克跨刀,父子兩人一同演出降B大調小提琴奏鳴曲,當然,小提琴部份是阿雷西以雙簧管演奏的改編版本,同樣精彩可期。 Limelight, August 2013: "Ogrintchouk's technique and phrasing is matchless throughout these three works." It was during an extended visit to Mannheim in 1777 that Mozart became friendly with the oboist Friedrich Ramm, a member of the famous Mannheim orchestra which was widely acknowledged as the finest in Europe ('an army of generals' as Charles Burney remarked). Earlier the same year Mozart had composed his Oboe Concerto, and impressed by Ramm's ability, he now played the work through to him on the piano. Although Mozart had written it for another player, Ramm was to make it his own: by 14 February 1778 he had performed it no less than five times – 'a great sensation…Ramm's cheval de bataille' as Mozart described it. Mozart later found occasion to compose especially for Ramm – the Oboe Quartet was written as a celebration of his virtuosity, and significantly challenged the boundaries of the possible on the contemporary oboe. As principal oboist of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, and an international soloist in his own right, Alexei Ogrintchouk may well be said to be the Friedrich Ramm of our day – also on BIS, his performances of J.S. Bach's oboe concertos was judged to be 'as astonishing as it is successful' on the web site, with a sound described as 'generous, rounded, warm and velvety' in Classica. He here performs these pillars of the oboe repertoire with the support of the renowned Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra in the concerto and in the company of three highly respected young string players in the quartet. To round off the programme Alexei has called in his father, the pianist Leonid Ogrintchouk, and together the two perform a transcription of the Violin Sonata in B flat major, K 378, composed during the same period as the two other works on this disc. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quartet in F major for oboe, violin, viola and cello, K370 13'54 01 I. Allegro 6'23 02 II. Adagio 3'16 03 III. Rondo. Allegro (ma non troppo) 4'15 Concerto in C major for Oboe and Orchestra, K314 19'41 04 I. Allegro aperto 6'46 05 II. Adagio non troppo 7'16 06 III. Rondo. Allegretto 5'39 Sonata for Violin and Piano in B flat major, K378 20'52 07 I. Allegro moderato 9'05 08 II. Andantino sostenuto e cantabile 7'31 09 III. Rondeau. Allegro 4'16 Album total 55'52

(BIS) 莫札特 雙簧管音樂(歐格林裘克) Mozart Music for Oboe SACD2007 商品選項

(BIS) 莫札特 雙簧管音樂(歐格林裘克) Mozart Music for Oboe SACD2007 屬性

(BIS) 莫札特 雙簧管音樂(歐格林裘克) Mozart Music for Oboe SACD2007 用戶評測


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