(BIS) SACD1646 華爾頓 第1 2號交響曲 Walton The Symphonies 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
專輯類型: 1SACD 發行年份: 2010 國際條碼: 7318599916460 音樂廠牌: BIS 華爾頓的兩首交響曲創作時間相隔25年之久,也鮮少收錄在同張專輯。布列頓年輕時為英國女詩人西特威爾的詩詞朗讀會寫了曲集「門面」讓他名利雙收,在30歲之前更以中提琴協奏曲和清唱劇「伯沙撒王的盛宴」達到事業巔峰。第一號交響曲便是這段時期的產物,但是過了這段高峰之後,他的創作便遇上瓶頸,原本預計投入的第一號交響曲創作更是一波三折面臨難產。儘管如此,樂曲當中仍然流露出一股克服逆境獲得勝利的正面能量。25年後,1957年,音樂圈的潮流風貌已經又是截然不同,但華爾頓並未因此顧影自憐尋求慰藉,當他應指揮家塞爾邀請,為克里夫蘭管弦樂團創團四十週年寫下「給管弦樂團的組曲」並且獲得外界肯定之後,華爾頓乘勝追擊,接下了皇家利物浦愛樂協會的委託,以第二號交響曲重新出發,並紀念該市建城750週年。雖然當時輿論認為第二號的風格與當時歐洲趨向前衛的音樂風格落差過大而未給予肯定。但現今多認為此曲的技法和巧妙之處堪稱華爾頓音樂的精髓。歐萬.阿爾威爾.修斯,因為在電視上指揮華爾頓的「伯沙撒王的盛宴」獲得作曲家本人的稱讚而聲名大噪。修斯在BIS有不少精彩的系列錄音,法國音樂雜誌「樂曲」說他的三張拉赫曼尼諾夫交響曲是當今數一數二的傑作。在這張專輯他跨越英吉利海峽,與法國頂尖樂團里爾國立管弦樂團攜手合作,讓華爾頓的精華再現。 Rarely appearing together on disc, William Walton's two symphonies are separated by some 25 years. The First Symphony was composed after his dazzling early success, beginning with Facade and culminating in two scores written before Walton reached the age of thirty: the Viola Concerto and the oratorio Belshazzar's Feast. After this, composition became more difficult, and progress on the symphony was tortuous and protracted. Nevertheless, the work has a strikingly positive tone - perhaps in celebration of the victory over the many demons and difficulties that had attended its creation. Twenty-two years later, in 1957, the musical world was a very different place, but Walton's response was not to seek solace in reflective nostalgia. It is rather as if he conceived the Second Symphony as a follow-up to his terse and bubbly Partita for orchestra, building on the confidence that the success of that score had given the always self-doubting composer. Owain Arwel Hughes, who conducts the present recording, first made his name with an electrifying televised performance of Walton's Belshazzar's Feast which received a notable accolade from the composer. During his distinguished career Hughes has recorded a number of discs for BIS, including a complete cycles of the 13 symphonies of Vagn Holmboe. In the French magazine Repertoire his 3-disc series of Rachmaninov's symphonies was described as 'the great modern Rachmaninov cycle', while the reviewer in International Record Review stated that 'Hughes is the first conductor to convince me that the First Symphony is on a par with its two successors.' On this recording he brings Walton across the English Channel and conducts one of the leading French orchestras, Orchestre national de Lille, for their first appearance on the BIS label. Sir William Walton Symphony No.1 42'51 01 I. Allegro assai 13'45 02 II. Presto con malizia 6'30 03 III. Andante con malinconia 9'55 04 IV. Maestoso – Allegro, brioso ed ardentemente 12'41 Symphony No.2 26'24 05 I. Allegro molto 8'41 06 II. Lento assai 9'07 07 III. Passacaglia 8'36 Album total 70'41