(BIS) 阿侯 管風琴音樂 Aho Symphony for Organ SACD1946 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
專輯類型: 1SACD 發行年份: 2012 國際條碼: 7318599919461 音樂廠牌: BIS 芬蘭作曲家卡列維.阿侯最受人載譽稱道的不外乎包含15首交響曲在內的大型管弦樂,實際上他寫過的音樂類型眾多,室內樂和歌劇亦是赫赫有名。1993年當他創作第八號交響曲時,便打算以管風琴獨奏作為賣點。雖然是將管風琴與管弦樂團結合,卻又分別穿插三首管風琴間奏曲在每個樂章之間。有人鼓勵他將三首間奏曲重新編定成為一首獨奏作品,於是阿侯又為每一首間奏曲寫了簡短的序奏,為這些段落在原本第八號交響曲中會呈現的面貌作個重點提示。在這三首間奏曲(當然,交響曲也是)背後所隱藏的,其實是來自某次他於盛夏時節造訪北冰洋的旅行,對大自然所留下的強烈印象:在幾乎沒有所謂夜晚的時刻,萬物彷彿都浸潤在無窮盡的淡淡藍光之中。14年後阿侯又寫了管風琴交響曲,這都得歸功於芬蘭管風琴大師楊.雷托拉,在2005年某次演奏第八號交響曲中的管風琴之後,他便央求作曲家為他寫一首大型多樂章的管風琴獨奏作品。雖然管風琴交響曲在法國作曲家魏道爾、維耶納筆下奠定了原型,阿侯仍舊採用傳統的交響曲形式作曲,作品中所有音樂素材都息息相關,並在結尾終了時再度合為一體,呈現所謂交纏錯綜的特色。副標題「萬物無常」則是來自德國文豪筆下的浮士德,作品本身也暗示著浮士德的結尾,當他終於升天時,音樂彷彿也跟著漸漸遠去遁入無形。 Largely known and admired for his large orchestral scores – including fifteen symphonies to date – the Finnish composer Kalevi Aho has actually written in a wide variety of genres, including chamber music and opera. He did arrive at the organ via the orchestra, however: in 1993, when composing his Eighth Symphony, he decided to let the organ feature in it as a solo instrument. Although he integrated it into the orchestra, it was also provided with three interludes between the separate movements. Encouraged to recast these into a solo work for the instrument, Aho composed a brief introduction for each interlude, functioning as a short summary of what had appeared before it in the course of the symphony. Behind the Three Interludes, and indeed the symphony, there lies a powerful experience of nature: a mid-summer journey on the Arctic Ocean, when everything, in the absence of night, was 'bathed in an endless blue-tinged light'. Although composed 14 years later, the Symphony for Organ also owes its existence to the Eighth Symphony. After having played the organ part in a 2005 performance of that work, the Finnish organ virtuoso Jan Lehtola approached the composer urging him to write a big, multi-movement work for solo organ. Although the organ symphony has been an established genre since composers such as Charles-Marie Widor and Louis Vierne, Aho has patterned his own work on the orchestral symphony, continuing the tradition of symphonic development. All of the work's musical material is related, and at the end of the finale a synthesis of it all is achieved, in what can best be described as a highly intricate – and virtuosic – 'quadruple fugue'. The work's subtitle, Alles Vergangliche ('All that is perishable'), comes from the end of Goethe's Faust, and alludes to the symphony's Faustian character, reaching for the heavens, and also to its ending, as the music dies away into inaudibility. Kalevi Aho Three Interludes for Organ (1993) 17'32 01 Interlude I 3'42 02 Interlude II 5'18 03 Interlude III 8'32 'Alles Vergangliche'. Symphony for Organ (2007) 51'29 04 I. Fantasia 13'52 05 II. Fugue I 7'00 06 III. Adagio 16'17 07 IV. Fugue II (Toccata) 14'20 Album total 70'12