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(BIS) 凡斯卡 阿侯 豎笛五重奏 雙手風琴奏鳴曲 豎笛三重奏 CD1886 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

(BIS) 凡斯卡 阿侯 豎笛五重奏 雙手風琴奏鳴曲 豎笛三重奏 CD1886 規格

(BIS) 凡斯卡 阿侯 豎笛五重奏 雙手風琴奏鳴曲 豎笛三重奏 CD1886 最新價格

(BIS) 凡斯卡 阿侯 豎笛五重奏 雙手風琴奏鳴曲 豎笛三重奏 CD1886 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

(BIS) 凡斯卡 阿侯 豎笛五重奏 雙手風琴奏鳴曲 豎笛三重奏 CD1886 描述

專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2012 國際條碼: 7318590018866 音樂廠牌: BIS 卡列維.阿侯除了寫過許多膾炙人口的管弦作品,室內樂亦是他相當熱衷的創作類型。這張CD的三首作品前後創作時間相隔二十年,雙手風琴奏鳴曲的原型來自於1984年的手風琴獨奏奏鳴曲,阿侯對這首作品充滿信心,認為其挑戰性不下於李斯特筆下的鋼琴作品。五年之後的雙重奏版本不僅將手風琴的演奏可能性發揮至極限,同時仍具備了豐富的技巧性。不過這首雙重奏卻遲至2002年才由維利.庫佳拉和妻子蘇珊妮兩人首演,本輯亦是由他們擔綱演出。三首作品中最晚問世的豎笛、中提琴和鋼琴三重奏,是阿侯接受芬蘭中提琴協會委託為2006年11月於芬蘭坦佩雷市舉辦的中提琴大賽決賽所寫的室內樂指定曲。想當然爾中提琴部份自是相當吃重,阿侯形容是「簡短華麗的作品,每個樂器都有各自重要的東西呈現」。作為專輯破題的曲目則是1998年的豎笛五重奏,阿侯計畫以每個木管樂器為主角創作一系列五重奏,從1973年的雙簧管五重奏到2006年的木管五重奏完結。唯一與首演陣容相同也是最知名的,大概就是曾於赫爾辛基愛樂擔任豎笛首席,現以指揮聞名的歐斯莫.凡斯卡。他對阿侯的音樂向來大力支持,因而當阿侯情商他重拾豎笛參與這首作品首演時他二話不說便答應,並就近找來其他四位明尼蘇達管弦樂團的成員共襄盛舉,凡斯卡亦是該團現任音樂總監。 Renowned for his rich production in the field of orchestral music, Kalevi Aho is also a prolific composer for chamber forces. Here three works spanning two decades have been combined, with the Sonata for two accordions originating in 1984 as a Sonata for solo accordion described by the composer in his own liner notes as 'comparable in aspiration with Liszt's most virtuosic piano works'. Completed five years later, the duo version exploits to the utmost the unique possibilities offered by the accordion and remains highly virtuosic. It was premiered as late as 2002 by Veli and Susanne Kujala, who also perform it on this recording. At the other end of the time-line described by this disc, the Trio for clarinet, viola and piano was commissioned to be the set chamber music work of the 2006 Tampere Viola Competition. While the single-movement Trio reserves a prominent role for the viola, Aho describes it as 'a quite short and flamboyant work in which each instrument has something important to say'. Opening the disc is the large-scale Clarinet Quintet, composed in 1998 as one in a series of quintets involving woodwind instruments, begun in 1973 with an Oboe Quintet and completed by the 2006 Wind Quintet. Again a musician from the first performance appears on this disc: better known as a conductor, Osmo Vanska began his career as principal clarinet in the Helsinki Philharmonic. By 1998 he had already made his mark as a conductor, with seminal recordings of Sibelius' symphonies with the Lahti Symphony Orchestra. But Vanska was also – and has remained – a great champion of Kalevi Aho's music, and was easily persuaded to take on the important clarinet part for the premiere of the quintet. For this return to the work, Vanska has gathered members of the Minnesota Orchestra, where he is currently music director. Kalevi Aho Quintet for clarinet and string quartet (1998) 35'26 01 Presto e leggierissimo 10'00 02 Andante 5'26 03 Cadenza 7'47 04 Furioso, prestissimo 6'16 05 Epilogue. Andante 5'57 Trio for clarinet, Violin and Piano (2006) 06 Poco piu mosso – Allegro – Tempo I – Presto 13'00 Sonata for two accordions 25'19 07 Prelude and Passacaglia 12'47 08 Prelude and Fugue 12'32 Album total 75'10

(BIS) 凡斯卡 阿侯 豎笛五重奏 雙手風琴奏鳴曲 豎笛三重奏 CD1886 商品選項

(BIS) 凡斯卡 阿侯 豎笛五重奏 雙手風琴奏鳴曲 豎笛三重奏 CD1886 屬性

(BIS) 凡斯卡 阿侯 豎笛五重奏 雙手風琴奏鳴曲 豎笛三重奏 CD1886 用戶評測


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