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(BIS) 擊境(國樂及打擊樂作品) 臺北市立國樂團 Ecstatic Drumbeat SACD1599 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

(BIS) 擊境(國樂及打擊樂作品) 臺北市立國樂團 Ecstatic Drumbeat SACD1599 規格

(BIS) 擊境(國樂及打擊樂作品) 臺北市立國樂團 Ecstatic Drumbeat SACD1599 最新價格

(BIS) 擊境(國樂及打擊樂作品) 臺北市立國樂團 Ecstatic Drumbeat SACD1599 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

(BIS) 擊境(國樂及打擊樂作品) 臺北市立國樂團 Ecstatic Drumbeat SACD1599 描述

專輯類型: 1CDSA 發行年份: 2012 國際條碼: 7318599915999 音樂廠牌: BIS 臺北市立國樂團版的《擊境》,是北市國繼《胡旋舞》《氣韻》《行雲》後,第四張發行全球的國樂專輯。 專輯收錄了由鍾耀光所寫的《打擊樂協奏曲》特別為了葛蘭妮2009在台北聽障奧運音樂會所量身打造的,根據台灣青年詩人黃晴的三首詩作譜寫而成,同樣由鍾耀光作曲的《秦王破陣樂》呈現出現代與傳統、東方與西方交融的新風貌,樂曲在配器及演奏隊形的編排上也營造出古代軍隊的意象;安倍圭子對於馬林巴琴的演奏技巧和曲目拓展有相當程度的貢獻,《稜鏡狂想曲》是她為馬林巴琴所作的首批炫技作品之一,以極度自由的形式創作,拋開了傳統的束縛,製造出令人情緒沸騰且極具戲劇性的樂章;尼伯夏·契可維契《天生狂打》完成於2001年,本次的錄音以嗩吶取代小號,呈現出不同的風貌;1929年出生的黛敏郎因橫跨不同音樂風格聞名,他在1965年創作的《高音木琴小協奏曲》是鍵盤敲擊樂中最受歡迎的作品之一,並由江賜良改為國樂團版本。國際級的打擊樂協奏曲,振奮的敲擊節奏,再次創造國樂新紀元。 "Fascinating sounds crossing hemispheres, epochs and cultures." The Times; "Am I ecstatic about Ecstatic Drumbeat? You bet." Fanfare; "Anyone who loves good quality percussion playing or who has an affinity for Chinese culture will enjoy this a great deal." Appearing with leading orchestras and conductors around the world, Evelyn Glennie has also collaborated with musicians as diverse as Emmanuel Ax, the King's Singers and Bjork. Another unexpected partner is the Taipei Chinese Orchestra, with which she first performed at the 2009 Deaflympics. Returning to Taiwan a year later, she recorded the present disc of original compositions and arrangements for percussion and Chinese orchestra. The programme is wide–ranging in geographical terms, with works by composers from the Far East, as well as by German-based Nebojsa Zivkovic, whose duo Born to Beat Wild for bass drum and trumpet here is performed with a suona, 'Chinese oboe', replacing the trumpet. But the disc also spans a vast distance in time, in that the final work, Emperor Qin Crushing the Battle Formations, is a reworking by the composer Yiu-Kwong Chung of an ancient score first performed in the year 627 at the court of the second Tang Emperor. Ecstatic Drumbeat is the latest of four discs that present collaborations between the Taipei Chinese Orchestra and soloists from a Western tradition, with Evelyn Glennie following in the footsteps of flutist Sharon Bezaly, saxophonist Claude Delangle and trombone player Christian Lindberg on her own oriental journey. Chung Yiu-kwong Concerto for Percussion and Chinese Orchestra 26'45 01 1. The Moon's Lament 9'39 02 2. I Believe 9'11 03 3. Heading For 7'55 Keiko Abe 04 Prism Rhapsody 14'23 Nebojsa Jovan Zivkovic 05 Born to Beat Wild 7'37 Toshiro Mayuzumi Concertino for Xylophone and Orchestra 10'57 06 1. Allegro vivace 3'31 07 2. Adagietto (attacca) 5'07 08 3. Presto 2'19 Yiu-Kwong Chung 09 Emperor Qin Crushing the Battle Formations 13'28 Album total 75'10

(BIS) 擊境(國樂及打擊樂作品) 臺北市立國樂團 Ecstatic Drumbeat SACD1599 商品選項

(BIS) 擊境(國樂及打擊樂作品) 臺北市立國樂團 Ecstatic Drumbeat SACD1599 屬性

(BIS) 擊境(國樂及打擊樂作品) 臺北市立國樂團 Ecstatic Drumbeat SACD1599 用戶評測


(BIS) 擊境(國樂及打擊樂作品) 臺北市立國樂團 Ecstatic Drumbeat SACD1599 相關商品

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