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(BIS) 低音長號家史蒂芬 舒爾茲柏林愛樂室內樂廳音樂會現場 Berlin Recital CD1824 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

(BIS) 低音長號家史蒂芬 舒爾茲柏林愛樂室內樂廳音樂會現場 Berlin Recital CD1824 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2010 國際條碼: 7318590018248 音樂廠牌: BIS 說到當今頂尖的長號演奏家,或許你能舉出一籮筐,但是如果是低音長號呢?毫無疑問史蒂芬.舒爾茲絕對是你 最先映入腦海的名字。然而舒爾茲一開始先接觸的樂器其實是法國號,後來才轉往長號發展(感謝上天的安排) 。1993-2002年他是柏林國家歌劇院管弦樂團的低音長號手,1996-2002年之間也同時是拜魯特節慶管弦樂團的 一員,2002年開始,他終於邁向世界樂壇頂端的柏林愛樂,正式成為其中一員。2004年開始,舒爾茲在柏林藝術 大學擔任教授。 藉由這張首次個人獨奏專輯,舒爾茲總算有機會讓全球樂迷見識到他的演奏魅力,內容是2008年柏林愛樂室內樂 廳的現場音樂會錄音。由於想強調低音長號的多面性-特別是演奏抒情歌曲的優異特色,舒爾茲認為布拉姆斯「 四首嚴肅歌曲」、列比戴夫和蘇列克等人柔情婉約帶有浪漫主義聲響色彩的作品自然是在適合不過;此外,桑德 斯特倫美好簡單的「羅塔之歌」也常被他拿來作為安可曲。此外為了避免曲目方向過於偏向一邊,舒爾茲也特別 挑選了丹尼爾.許奈德的作品,許奈德是活躍於紐約的作曲家和薩克斯風手,也是舒爾茲合作密切的好友。許奈 德寫給低音長號的協奏曲「subZERO」,不僅格外強調表現技巧,音樂風格也是走爵士味道。收錄於CD內的版本是 許奈德特地為舒爾茲改編的室內樂版,也是首次錄音。許奈德巧妙的利用馬林巴琴、打擊、小提琴和鋼琴,大大 豐富了樂曲的聲音效果,相當值得一聽。 "Hier ist ein Meister am Werk." Das Orchester "Eine reiche Vielfalt an Ausdrucks- und Farbnuancen..." ensemble "An impressive disc... surely a must for anybody with an interest in the bass trombone." MusicWeb International A member of the Berlin Philharmonic since 2002, Stefan Schulz is one of the world's leading bass trombonists. As implied by the title of this recording - his first solo disc -, it is a recital programme recorded live at a concert in the Chamber Music Hall of the Berliner Philharmonie in 2008. The programme has been chosen to emphasize the various facets of the bass trombone and in particular its ability to play music of a songful character. This certainly applies to Brahms' Four Serious Songs, as well as the cantabile works by Lebedev and Sulek which both seem to point to the sonorities of Romanticism; but it is equally true of Jan Sandstrom's wonderfully simple Song to Lotta, appearing as an encore. To balance the programme Schulz has included a work by Daniel Schnyder, the New York-based composer and saxophonist with whom he collaborates closely. subZERO, Schnyder's concerto for bass trombone, places great emphasis on virtuosity and reaches out in the direction of jazz. Here performed in the composer's own chamber version (for the first time available on disc), this virtuoso composition also provides variety in terms of sound as it includes marimba, percussion and violin as well as piano. Audience Applause 1'10 01 Applause 0'11 Johannes Brahms Vier ernste Gesange, Op.121 for bass trombone and piano 15'04 02 1. Denn es gehet dem Menschen wie dem Vieh 3'48 03 2. Ich wandte mich und sahe an alle 3'25 04 3. O Tod, wie bitter bist du 2'41 05 4. Wenn ich mit Menschen- und mit Engelszungen redete 5'10 Stjepan Sulek 06 Sonata 'Vox Gabrieli' for trombone and piano 7'40 Alexei Lebedev 07 Concerto No. 1 for bass trombone and piano 7'20 Daniel Schnyder subZERO – concerto for bass trombone; Version for bass trombone, piano, percussion and violin 19'07 08 I. subZERO 8'39 09 II. Sama'i Thaqil 7'25 10 III. ZOOM OUT 3'03 Audience Applause 1'10 11 Applause 0'59 Jan Sandstrom 12 Song to Lotta 4'24 Album total 56'22







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