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(BIS) 23首薩克斯風練習曲(練聲曲改編版) 23 Vocalises Etudes CD9056 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

(BIS) 23首薩克斯風練習曲(練聲曲改編版) 23 Vocalises Etudes CD9056 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2016 國際條碼: 7318590090565 音樂廠牌: BIS 要以單一母音唱出一條旋律線,感覺起來似乎簡單,但光是要做出圓滑線效果或是音域甚至讓音調轉換更為平順,都有很多技術面上的困難。因此過去250年來,練聲曲也就成為歌唱指導者的重要工具,最開始他們使用的教材乃是取自現成的出版歌曲拿掉歌詞後供學生練習。儘管19世紀時出現了特定的教材,但是多半是枯燥乏味的梯狀練習。 1906年巴黎音樂院(Paris Conservatoire)的聲樂教授阿米蒂.隆德利.耶提許(Amédée-Landély Hettich)決心改變現狀,他的目標是讓練聲曲從單調的練習工具提升成為藝術作品。經過三十年的努力,他成功遊說一系列大咖作曲家參與投入此項工程,當中有150首作品都由巴黎的Éditions Alphonse Leduc出版社發行,並編入「當代練聲曲作品集(Répertoire Moderne de Vocalises-Études)」系列之中。耶提許委託的練聲曲中有不少後來都被改編成器樂版並且盛行於世-最經典的例子就是拉威爾的《哈巴奈拉形式的聲樂練習曲(en forme de Habanera)》,作曲家事後把它改編成大提琴演奏版本,之後又被許多人改編成各式各樣的樂器版本。 哈利.懷特在1990-2001年間曾是享譽國際的拉榭爾薩克斯風四重奏的成員(該團在BIS先後發行不少專輯),他認為薩克斯風彈性多變如人聲的音色,相當適合用來表現耶提許這系列委託作品的豐富音樂特色,因此他從佛瑞、卡爾.尼爾森、梅湘、維拉-羅伯士以及其他作曲家的作品中挑選了23首集結成這張別富意義的專輯。懷特出身美國密西西比州,現在定居瑞士。2001年離團之後,便 以薩克斯風獨奏家和自由音樂家的身份到處演出,本輯和他搭配的鋼琴家愛德華.洛許頓和他搭檔多年,本身也是作曲家、鋼琴家和藝術歌曲專家。喜歡薩克斯風音色的朋友,如果想跳脫常見的爵士樂表現方式的話,這張專輯會是相當推薦的入門收藏,加上每首樂曲長度適中,韻味雋永,在哈利.懷特溫柔婉約的音色烘托下,更能立刻讓你感受古典薩克斯風的迷人之處! To sing a melodic line on a single vowel highlights many technical difficulties, such as producing a legato line, making a smooth register change and even intonation. For the past 250 years, vocalises have therefore beeen an important tool for singing instructors, who at first would use existing songs published without a text. In the nineteenth century specific studies were developed, but these tended to become monotonous scalar exercises, and in 1906 Amedee-Landely Hettich, a voice professor at the Paris Conservatoire, made it his goal to raise the vocalise from a dull practice tool to a work of art in its own right. Over a period of thirty years, he persuaded an impressive list of composers to write vocalises, and 150 of these were published by editions Alphonse Leduc in the series Repertoire Moderne de Vocalises-etudes. Several of the vocalises commissioned by Hettich have become popular in instrumental versions – the prime example is that by Ravel 'en forme de Habanera', which the composer himself transcribed for the cello, and which has since entered the repertoire of a large number of instruments. Finding his own instrument, with its flexible, voice-like timbre, ideal for the varied musical characters represented in Hettich's collection, the saxophonist Harry White here presents a selection of 23 vocalises by composers as diverse as Faure, Carl Nielsen, Messiaen and Villa-Lobos. A former member of the acclaimed Rascher Saxophone Quartet, Harry White is an eager recitalist and regularly includes a set of vocalises in the programmes he performs with his regular partner at the piano, Edward Rushton. 23 Vocalises from Repertoire Moderne de Vocalises-etudes commissioned as examination pieces for singing students at the Paris Conservatory from composers including Dukas, Honegger, Ibert, Martinu° , Messiaen, Milhaud, Nielsen, Poulenc, Ravel, Tcherepnin and Villa-Lobos





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