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(BIS) 義大利奇塔洛尼琴(西洋枇杷)的巨匠光輝 Chitarrone CD1899 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

(BIS) 義大利奇塔洛尼琴(西洋枇杷)的巨匠光輝 Chitarrone CD1899 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2012 國際條碼: 7318590018996 音樂廠牌: BIS 擁有超過160公分的長度和高達16根的琴弦,這些特點讓奇塔洛尼琴成為巴洛克早期的特殊樂器代表之一。這個名稱原先的意思可能是指「大型的奇塔拉琴」,奇塔拉是古典希臘時期詩人經常彈奏的樂器。之後這項樂器逐漸發展為在唱歌或是吟誦時,拿來當作襯底的低音魯特琴。事實上,1600年時奇塔洛尼琴在義大利便以搭配人聲而廣受喜愛。以獨奏樂器來說,奇塔洛尼琴也曾有短暫卻輝煌的歷史,這張專輯標題所開示的,即是三位當時義大利著名的奇塔洛尼琴演奏家兼作曲家。1604-1640年之間,喬凡尼.吉洛拉莫.卡斯佩爾格(也就是我們所熟知的約翰.希耶羅尼姆斯.卡斯貝爾格)、亞歷山卓.皮契尼尼、貝雷羅封特.卡斯塔爾迪三人出版了眾多的奇塔洛尼琴音樂選集。魯特琴大師雅克伯.林柏格特地從中挑選個人喜愛的舞曲、歌曲、觸技曲和帕薩卡利亞舞曲集結成七套組曲,你可以在這些多變的音樂當中感受到這項迷人樂器的獨特聲響和特殊的演奏技巧。雅克伯.林柏格長期以來鑽研各種魯特琴,幾乎是到達成精的境界,也因此他的音樂會與專輯總是受到樂迷好評,在解說冊當中他也提到接下來將投身另一個魯特琴家族的相關研究。 Its overall length (upwards of 160 cm) and great number of strings (up to 16 courses) makes the chitarrone one of the more spectacular instruments of the early baroque. The name probably means 'large kithara', after the instrument played by the Classical Greek poets, and it was first developed as a bass lute in order to accompany singing and recitative – indeed it appears to have become the favourite instrument in Italy for accompanying the voice by 1600. It also enjoyed a short-lived but rich flowering as a solo instrument, however, to which the three virtuosi of the album title all contributed greatly, as performers as well as composers. Between 1604 and 1640, Giovanni Girolamo Kapsperger (also known as Johann Hieronymus Kapsberger), Alessandro Piccinini and Bellerofonte Castaldi published a number of collections of chitarrone music, from which Jakob Lindberg has chosen some favourite dances, arias, toccatas and passacaglias. Combined into seven suites, they provide rich opportunity to enjoy the particular timbre and the special playing techniques of this splendid instrument, the chitarrone. Highly regarded both for his live performances and his many recordings, Jakob Lindberg has a long-standing interest in the many varieties of lutes, including lute mandoree, orpharion and archlute, and has now dedicated himself to researching their relative – research which informs both the performances and Lindberg's own liner notes Giovanni Girolamo Kapsperger (c. 1580 –1651) 1–5) Arpeggiata / Canzona / Bergamasca / Canario / Passacaglia 14'16 Bellerofonte Castaldi (1581–1649) 6–8) Fantasia detta Pegasea / Arpesca gagliarda / Cecchina corrente 6'12 Alessandro Piccinini (1566–c. 1638) 9–11) Toccata cromatica / Romanesca con partite variate / Corrente 10'42 G. G. Kapsperger 12–14) Toccata / Gagliarda con due partite / Corrente con partite 10'48 A. Piccinini 15–18) Toccata / Partite variate sopra La Folia aria romanesca / Aria di fiorenze / Corrente 8'15 B. Castaldi 19–22) Arpeggiata a mio modo / Cromatica corrente / La Follia / Furiosa corrente 11'48 G. G. Kapsperger 23–27) Preludio / Toccata / Capona / Colascione / Kapsperger 10'54 TT: 74'10






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