(BIS) 18世紀義大利三重奏鳴曲 倫敦巴洛克合奏團 The Trio Sonata CD2015 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2013 國際條碼: 7318590020159 音樂廠牌: BIS 17世紀興起的三重奏鳴曲堪稱是當時最重要的室內樂形式,然而經過一世紀多的榮景,到了十八世紀也難免得面臨逐漸沒落乃至結束的局勢。這是本系列的第七張也是倒數第二張專輯,倫敦巴洛克合奏團將橫跨兩個世紀的曲目有系統的編排與介紹,讓我們瞭解三重奏鳴曲在義大利的發展經緯。這裡不僅有大家耳熟能詳的作曲家(韋瓦第),也有默默無名的人(邦波帝),有因為美麗的錯誤而留名後世的人(鼎鼎大名的Adagio並非出自阿比諾尼之手),或是因為後世的混淆而被忽略的倒楣鬼(讓史特拉文斯基受到啟發而寫下普契奈拉的其實是多明尼克.加洛而非我們長期以為的裴高雷西)。其他還有羅卡泰利以及塔替尼,兩人都是著名的小提琴家與作曲家,也有其他遠離義大利在外活躍的作曲家:波隆契尼、薩瑪替尼和波波拉–他曾在1750年代指導過年輕的海頓。這些作曲家的作品集結於此,宛若成為一幅美妙的馬賽克鑲嵌畫,可以清楚聽到從柯列里和韋瓦第等人繼承而來的驕傲傳統是如何被後期的洛可可逐漸取代,風格的更迭交替在此一目了然。 Just as the seventeenth century saw the rise of the trio sonata to its position as the most important chamber music form, so the eighteenth century saw its decline and eventual demise. The seventh and penultimate disc in London Baroque's highly acclaimed survey of the genre through the two centuries lets us sample these later developments in Italy, the nation where the genre had evolved some 100 years earlier. We do so through works by composers who are well-known (Vivaldi), unknown (Bonporti), known for the wrong reasons (Albinoni never composed the famous – or infamous – Adagio) and ignored by mistake (the trio sonata that inspired Stravinsky to compose Pulcinella was by Domenico Gallo and not by Pergolesi, as was long believed). Among our Italians are Locatelli and Tartini, two of the great violinist-composers of the period, as well as a trio largely active in musical centres outside of Italy: Bononcini, Sammartini and Porpora, who taught the young Haydn in Vienna in the 1750's. Together their compositions come to form a mosaic, where proud traditions from Corelli and earlier (as seen in Vivaldi's Folia and Albinoni's dance suite) are gradually superseded by rococo traits. Tomaso Giovanni Albinoni Balletto in G major, Op.3 No.3 5'20 01 Preludio 1'06 02 Allemanda 1'43 03 Corrente 1'53 04 Gavotta 0'38 Sonata in G minor, Op.6 No.7 4'54 05 Adagio 1'50 06 Allemanda 1'28 07 Giga 1'36 08 Folia, Op.1 No.12 9'13 Giovanni Bononcini Sonata II from XII Sonatas for the Chamber 8'05 09 Largo – Andante 2'30 10 Lento 1'36 11 Allegro 1'37 12 Menuet I. Non presto – Menuet II. Presto 2'22 Nicola Porpora Sonata, Op.2 No.III 10'53 13 Adagio sostenuto 2'11 14 Allegro 2'47 15 Adagio 2'19 16 Allegro 3'36 Giuseppe Sammartini Sonata V from XII Sonate a due Violini, e Violoncello, e Cembalo, se piace, Opera Terza 9'27 17 Andante sostenuto 1'52 18 Allegro 2'59 19 Sarabanda. Allegro ma non tanto e grazioso – Allegro – Sarabanda d.c. 4'36 Pietro Antonio Locatelli Sonata in D major, Op.8 No.8 13'09 20 Largo andante 2'52 21 Vivace 4'08 22 Cantabile 2'55 23 [Alla Breve] – Adagio 1'49 24 Allegro molto 1'25 Domenico Gallo Sonata No.1 in G major 5'46 25 Moderato 2'35 26 Andantino 1'47 27 Presto 1'24 Giuseppe Tartini Suonata a tre in D minor 8'45 28 Allegro 2'55 29 Largo andante 3'55 30 Presto 1'55 Album total 77'14