(BIS) 18世紀法國三重奏鳴曲 The Trio Sonata CD1855 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
(BIS) 18世紀法國三重奏鳴曲 The Trio Sonata CD1855 描述
專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2012 國際條碼: 7318590018552 音樂廠牌: BIS 老字號巴洛克室內樂團「倫敦巴洛克」繼先前陸續發行的17、18世紀英國三重奏鳴曲之後,將跨越海峽將觸角延伸至本輯主題–18世紀法國的三重奏鳴曲。1715年隨著法國太陽王路易十四駕崩,音樂環境也立刻起了極大的變化。大時代(Grand Siècle,太陽王的統治時代)的嚴肅局面立刻獲得舒展,反對柯列里將法國音樂引入義大利風格的保守聲浪也逐漸減弱。1725年庫普蘭出版了他最知名的作品「向盧利致敬」,在這套音樂裡面,他大力倡議將義大利和法國的音樂融合,翌年他更出版了組曲集「諸國之人民」(Les Nations),當中亦收錄本輯的「神聖羅馬帝國的人民」(曲1~10)。庫普蘭在這套作品當中依舊採用義大利風格奏鳴曲結合當時法國形式的舞曲順序。雷克萊和他的同事(也是最大的競爭對手)吉尼翁更將這一點發揚光大。雷克萊出身義大利,在抵達法國宮廷之前曾在都靈求學工作,吉尼翁同樣也是來自義大利,直到20多歲才踏上法國。兩人除了是傑出的作曲家也是相當優異的小提琴家,亦都曾為他們的樂器寫過不少炫技音樂。另一位作曲家波瓦莫爾提,生活方式則和上述兩位完全相反,既不是知名的演奏家無法藉此餬口,為了求生計,他的作品對象特別針對當時富有的業餘人士,因而在技巧和規模上也就偏向小巧精緻。 With the previous instalment of their survey of the trio sonata during the 17th and 18th centuries, the four members of London Baroque offered up what the website klassik-heute.de described as 'a delightful palette full of grace and esprit', presenting music by composers active in 18th-century England. Crossing the Channel, they have now arrived in France, and a musical environment undergoing rapid changes following the death of Louis XIV in 1715. The rigours of the Grand Siecle were relaxing and the stiff resistance against the Italian influences of Corelli was weakening. In 1725 Francois Couperin published his famous Apotheose de Lulli, in which he advocated a fusion of the Italian and French styles, and the following year saw the collection Les Nations, which included L'Imperiale recorded here. In it Couperin continued his mission, combining an Italian-style sonata with a sequence of dances in the French manner. Jean-Marie Leclair and his colleague (and great rival) Jean-Pierre Guignon took this one step further – Leclair studied and worked in Turin before making his mark in France, and Guignon was in fact born in Italy, as Giovanni Pietro Ghignone, and only arrived in France when he was in his twenties. Both of these rather extravagant characters were feted violinists as well as composers, and wrote music mainly for their own instrument in an often virtuosic style. Their complete opposite, at least in terms of life-style, was Joseph Bodin de Boismortier, who was not known as a performer, and instead managed to make a very good living by composing a large number of small-scale works aimed at wealthy amateurs. Francois Couperin (1668–1733) 1–10) L'Imperiale (from Les Nations) 26'10 Charles Dolle (?1710–?1755) 11–14) Sonata in G minor, Op. 1 No. 6 10'25 Jean-Marie Leclair (1697–1764) 15–18) Sonata No. 3 in G minor, Op. 13 No. 6 14'26 Joseph Bodin de Boismortier (1682–1765) 19–21) Trio in E minor, Op.37 No.2 5'47 Jean-Pierre Guignon (1702–74) 22–25) Sonata in D major, Op.4 No.2 12'57 TT: 71'05