【麥克書店】A TOUR OF HONG KONG|英文故事繪本童書外文書原文書故事書 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
【麥克書店】A TOUR OF HONG KONG|英文故事繪本童書外文書原文書故事書 本書是無字書,可以讓讀者自由閱讀,不限任何文字的影響。 透過小女孩的旅遊經歷,讓讀者能感受到香港的文化風情。 本書除了正面閱讀之外,也能從封底往回以小男孩的角度閱讀書籍喲 This visually rich and detailed wordless picture book explores the bustling urban center of Hong Kong through the eyes of two children--each starting their journey on different sides of the book and intersecting in the middle. Young readers will delight in finding the girl with her red balloon and the boy with his scruffy dog carefully tucked into the drawings. How children read the book--front to back or back to front--will change their focus and perspective on this world-famous place. 書號:AFRC0009 作者:Sun Hsin yu 繪者:Sun Hsin yu 適合年齡:3~6歲 規格:21x28cm/平裝/彩色/40頁 出版社:REYCRAFT ISBN:9781478868873