【麥克書店】A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM|英文故事書童書外文書讀本+QRcode 主題:讀本+QRcode / 仲夏夜之夢 From Shakespeare's most often-performed play. One summer night, four lovestruck young people follow each other into the forest. Meanwhile the fairy king and queen quarrel and sulk, amateur actors rehearse a play and mischievous fairy Puck stirs up trouble. How can all the confusion be resolved? The Usborne English Readers series is a new range of graded readers in simplified English for younger learners. They include activities, glossaries and a full audio recording of the text in both British English and American English. 內附QRcode,掃描後可聽故事。 書號:AFUB1374 作者:Peter Viney 繪者:Simona Bursi 適合年齡:7~12歲 規格:17x24cm/平裝/彩色/48頁 出版社:USBORNE PUBLISHING 出版日期: 2017年 ISBN:9781474927840