【麥克書店】A NEW YEAR'S REUNION英文故事繪本英文繪本故事書外文書原文書新年繪本節慶繪本 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
【麥克書店】A NEW YEAR'S REUNION英文故事繪本英文繪本故事書外文書原文書新年繪本節慶繪本 Little Maomao’s father works far away from the family home, so his return for New Year is a cause for celebration. Maomao and her mother welcome him back and together they enjoy the firecrackers and make sticky rice balls – in one of which Maomao finds the lucky fortune coin. But after watching the dragon dance and playing snowballs, Maomao discovers disaster has struck ... where is the lucky coin? At first inconsolable to have lost it, Maomao is finally restored to happiness before her father must depart again. 書號:AFCW0103 作者:Yu Li-Qiong 繪者:Zhu Cheng-Liang 適合年齡:3~6歲 規格:21×24cm/平裝/彩色/35頁 出版社:CANDLEWICK PRESS ISBN:9780763667481