【麥克書店】WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD|英文故事繪本精裝書 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
【麥克書店】WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD|英文故事繪本精裝書 優美的詞句搭配豐富的插圖. 在優美的旋律下..讓我們一起感受世界的美好. 小男孩徜徉於大地.感受天地的遼闊.萬物的巧妙變化. 充滿歡笑.感動與驚喜. 一本撫慰人心、充滿力量的繪本. 你是否也感受到了呢~ First recorded in 1967 by Louis Armstrong, and with sales of over one million copies, "What a Wonderful World" has become a poignant message of hope for people everywhere. Sweet and positive in its message, with bright, beautiful art, this book is sure to be a hit. Perfect for sharing! 書號:AFHH2460 作者:Bob Thiele 繪者:Tim Hopgood 適合年齡:3~6歲 規格:29x22cm/精裝/彩色/32頁 出版社:HENRY HOLT 出版日期: 2014年 ISBN:9781627792547