DK Life Stories: Amelia Earhart 偉人傳記 愛蜜莉亞·艾爾哈特 女飛行家 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
Amelia Earhart 愛蜜莉亞·艾爾哈特 #首位獨自飛越大西洋女飛行師 #女性主義 在童年時,愛蜜莉亞就感到困惑與不平,為什麼女生非要好好走大門,而男孩要是翻越圍牆就會被視為理所當然,她的外婆總是對她要求保持淑女、要有女生「該有的」樣子,然而她的夢想卻遠遠超過這些刻板印象的拘束。 ISBN: 9781465490667 DK Life Stories 偉人傳記系列 你可曾好奇受人們津津樂道的先賢先烈、創世天才是如何誕生,他們如何逃過「小時了了,大未必佳」的魔咒,還能造就名留青史的創舉?由 DK 出版社出版的 Life Stories 系列,精選各領域長才的人生故事,從學術研究、人道關懷、政治改革到創國先驅,透過直白、有趣又好讀的英文,專有名詞的貼心註釋,fun fact 對故事細節補充,他們曾在公開演說或書信中曾提到的金字珠句,真實照片與年代時間軸的輔助,以及書末的閱讀小測驗(有附解答),傳達給讀者不單單是勵志的偉人傳記,還有他們帶給後世持續的影響與改變。 內含: *生平故事 *知識補給 *名言佳句 *家庭關係圖 *重大事件時間年代表 *閱讀測驗 *人物補充 *詞彙表 *閱讀測驗解答 是結合跨領域知識與勵志人物傳記的紮實英文讀本,適合高中、大學英文選讀讀物。 Amelia Earhart is one of the world's most famous aviators in the history of flight and a role model for women everywhere. Follow the story of this trailblazing pilot - from her childhood adventures in Kansas, USA, to her around-the-world-flight in 1937, which ended in her mysterious disappearance over the Pacific Ocean. This biography book for kids ages 8-11 charts the major events of Amelia's life, including buying her first plane (a bright yellow bi-plane that she named "The Canary"), gaining her pilot's license in 1923, becoming the first female air passenger to cross the Atlantic Ocean in 1928, and becoming the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic in 1932, earning her the nickname "Queen of the Air". The story of a true feminist icon, DK Life Stories: Amelia Earhart is the gripping tale of a determined woman who broke the rules and followed her dreams skywards.