DK Life Stories: Nelson Mandela 偉人傳記 曼德拉 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
DK Life Stories: Nelson Mandela 偉人傳記 曼德拉 Nelson Mandela 曼德拉為南非反種族隔離革命家、政治家及慈善家,亦被廣泛視作南非的國父。在27年監禁後,於1994年至1999年間當上第一任南非總統,是第一個由全面代議制民主選舉選出的南非元首。他任內致力於廢除種族隔離制度、實現種族和解,以及消除貧困不公。 ISBN: 9781465484000 DK Life Stories 偉人傳記系列 你可曾好奇受人們津津樂道的先賢先烈、創世天才是如何誕生,他們如何逃過「小時了了,大未必佳」的魔咒,還能造就名留青史的創舉?由 DK 出版社出版的 Life Stories 系列,精選各領域長才的人生故事,從學術研究、人道關懷、政治改革到創國先驅,透過直白、有趣又好讀的英文,專有名詞的貼心註釋,fun fact 對故事細節補充,他們曾在公開演說或書信中曾提到的金字珠句,真實照片與年代時間軸的輔助,以及書末的閱讀小測驗(有附解答),傳達給讀者不單單是勵志的偉人傳記,還有他們帶給後世持續的影響與改變。 內含: *生平故事 *知識補給 *名言佳句 *家庭關係圖 *重大事件時間年代表 *閱讀測驗 *人物補充 *詞彙表 *閱讀測驗解答 是結合跨領域知識與勵志人物傳記的紮實英文讀本,適合高中、大學英文選讀讀物。 In 1964, Nelson Mandela was sentenced to a lifetime in jail. His crime? Attempting to overthrow a government that openly discriminated against its Black citizens. After spending 27 years behind bars, Mandela was released, allowing him to continue his struggle for equality in South Africa--and to become the country's first Black president. In this biography book for kids ages 8–12, learn all about Mandela's incredible life, his fight against apartheid, and how he helped bring peace to his nation. This new biography series from DK goes beyond the basic facts to tell the true life stories of history's most interesting people. Full-color photographs and hand-drawn illustrations complement thoughtfully written, age-appropriate text to create an engaging book children will enjoy reading. Definition boxes, information sidebars, maps, inspiring quotes, and other nonfiction text features add depth, and a handy reference section at the back makes this the one biography series every teacher and librarian will want to collect. Each book also includes an author's introduction letter, a glossary, and an index.