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DK Life Stories: Albert Einstein 偉人傳記 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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DK Life Stories: Albert Einstein 偉人傳記 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

DK Life Stories: Albert Einstein 偉人傳記 描述

DK Life Stories: Albert Einstien “Science can only be created by those who are thoroughly imbued with the aspiration toward truth and understanding.” 被公認為歷史上最聰明的愛因斯坦,在童年啟發他的不是什麼複雜的機械或高深的書籍,僅僅是他臥病在床時,爸爸送他的一個指北針,磁石磨成的指針不論怎麼把玩抖動,最後都會受地磁場牽引指回北方,這讓小愛因斯坦從此對看不見的力場產生興趣。然而,進入學校生活的他並不是事事順利,雖然他在大部分的學科都拿到好成績,他也有不擅長的科目例如:拉丁文和希臘文,此外,作為天主教學校裡唯一的猶太男孩,同儕的刻意疏遠,再加上因為破產但又希望愛因斯坦能繼續留在好學校完成學業,爸媽搬去義大利而獨留他在德國的寄宿屋,讓他倍感孤立。這樣的求學生活也養成了愛因斯坦獨立自主,並學會了孤獨,這讓他更加專注於他熱愛的學科-物理... ISBN: 9781465475701 DK Life Stories 偉人傳記系列 由 DK 出版社出版的 Life Stories 系列,精選各領域長才的人生故事,從學術研究、人道關懷、政治改革到創國先驅,透過直白、有趣又好讀的英文,專有名詞的貼心註釋,fun fact 對故事細節補充,他們曾在公開演說或書信中曾提到的金字珠句,真實照片與年代時間軸的輔助,以及書末的閱讀小測驗(有附解答),傳達給讀者不單單是勵志的偉人傳記,還有他們帶給後世持續的影響與改變。 內含: *生平故事 *知識補給 *名言佳句 *家庭關係圖 *重大事件時間年代表 *閱讀測驗 *人物補充 *詞彙表 *閱讀測驗解答 是結合跨領域知識與勵志人物傳記的紮實英文讀本,適合高中、大學英文選讀讀物。 Albert Einstein is known as one of the most brilliant people in history. His many theories and discoveries changed the way scientists think and work, and the way in which we look at and understand things. In this kids' biography for ages 8-12, learn all about Einstein's family and education, his travels and troubles, and the special compass he was given as a young boy that first set him on the path to questioning the world around him. DK Life Stories go beyond the basic facts to tell the true life stories of history's most interesting people. Full-color photographs and hand-drawn illustrations complement thoughtfully written, age-appropriate text to create an engaging book children will enjoy reading. Definition boxes, information sidebars, fun facts, maps, inspiring quotes, and other nonfiction text features add depth, and a handy reference section at the back makes this series perfect for school reports and projects. Each book also includes an author's introduction letter, a glossary, and an index.

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