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巴哈 觸技曲全集 卡巴索 Cabasso J S Bach Complete Toccatas PTY110197 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

巴哈 觸技曲全集 卡巴索 Cabasso J S Bach Complete Toccatas PTY110197 規格

巴哈 觸技曲全集 卡巴索 Cabasso J S Bach Complete Toccatas PTY110197 最新價格

巴哈 觸技曲全集 卡巴索 Cabasso J S Bach Complete Toccatas PTY110197 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

巴哈 觸技曲全集 卡巴索 Cabasso J S Bach Complete Toccatas PTY110197 描述

專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2021 國際條碼: 3760213652119 音樂廠牌: paraty 巴哈:觸技曲全集(BWV910/BWV915/BWV912/BWV916/BWV911/BWV913/BWV914) 勞倫.卡巴索 鋼琴獨奏 史蒂芬.鮑列路(Stephen Paulello)作品102鋼琴 勞倫.卡巴索: "我第一次試用史蒂芬.鮑列路(Stephen Paulello)的作品102鋼琴時, 我立即發現到三點在鋼琴中少見的性質: 一種不同凡響的聲音長度, 因為有平行琴弦而有完美清澈的音域(register), 和清晰明亮的音調. 這些特質意味著和弦(polyphonic)作品用此樂器彈奏一定會被加強, 尤其是巴哈的作品". 給鍵盤樂器的七首觸技曲是在巴哈尚未滿25歲時完成的. 此全集形成一個崇高的整體, 有廣大的多元性, 預告了我們未來在清唱套曲, 受難曲, 組曲或是鍵盤組曲中看到的特性. 這特別生動與鮮明對比的音樂, 非常的簡潔, 但留下許多空間給即興表演與想像的空間. Playing Bach on Stephen Paulello's "Opus 102" piano The first time I tried Stephen Paulello's Opus 102, I was immediately struck by three things, three qualities which we rarely encounter together in a piano: an exceptional length of sound, perfect clarity of the registers due to its parallel strings, and a clear, bright tone. These characteristics mean that polyphonic pieces are always magnified on it, especially Bach. The 7 Toccatas for keyboard were composed while Bach was not yet 25 years of age. This corpus forms a sublime whole, of great diversity, foreshadowing all that which we find later in the Cantatas, the Passions, the Partitas or the Suites for keyboard. This particularly lively and contrasting music, anything but austere, leaves plenty of room for improvisation and imagination. 1 Toccata in G Major BWV 916 07:08 2 Toccata in C Minor BWV 911 10:37 3 Toccata in D Minor BWV 913 12:33 4 Toccata in E Minor BWV 914 07:13 5 Toccata in F Sharp Minor BWV 910 10:39 6 Toccata in G Minor BWV 915 08:13 7 Toccata in D Major BWV 912 10:33

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巴哈 觸技曲全集 卡巴索 Cabasso J S Bach Complete Toccatas PTY110197 屬性

歐洲 & 美國

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