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海頓 彌撒曲 Haydn Missa Cellensis HMM902300 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

海頓 彌撒曲 Haydn Missa Cellensis HMM902300 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2019 國際條碼: 3149020938348 音樂廠牌: harmonia mundi 海頓: 彌撒曲(聖奇西里亞) 賈斯汀.道爾 指揮 RIAS室內合唱團/柏林古樂學會樂團 It was when the young Haydn was appointed Kapellmeister to Prince Nikolaus Esterházy that he composed his Missa Cellensis, a work of vast proportions, whose popularity is demonstrated by the many surviving copies. In this interpretation full of vivid contrasts, the RIAS Kammerchor and the Akademie fur Alte Musik confirm their extraordinary ability to reveal every subtlety of a composition that possesses almost operatic energy! Akademie fur Alte Musik Berlin, RIAS Kammerchor Berlin, Justin Doyle 1 I. Kyrie eleison I 3'09 2 II. Christe eleison 3'04 3 III. Kyrie eleison II 3'03 4 IV. Gloria in excelsis Deo 2'59 5 V. Laudamus te 3'43 6 VI. Gratias agimus tibi 2'54 7 VII. Domine Deus 5'35 8 VIII. Qui tollis peccata mundi 5'34 9 IX. Quoniam tu solus Sanctus 3'10 10 X. Cum Sancto Spiritu 3'49 11 XI. Credo in unum Deum 3'55 12 XII. Et incarnatus est 8'25 13 XIII. Et resurrexit 4'48 14 XIV. Sanctus 1'26 15 XV. Benedictus 5'24 16 XVI. Agnus Dei 2'16 17 XVII. Dona nobis pacem 2'19






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