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海頓 交響曲 鋼琴版 伊利奇 鋼琴 Ivan Ilic plays Haydn Symphonies CHAN20142 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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海頓 交響曲 鋼琴版 伊利奇 鋼琴 Ivan Ilic plays Haydn Symphonies CHAN20142 描述

專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2019 國際條碼: 0095115214220 音樂廠牌: Chandos 海頓: 鋼琴版交響曲第44(悲傷).75.92(牛津) 伊凡·伊利奇 鋼琴 在經過一系列最不可能和偶然的事件後, 鋼琴家伊凡·伊利奇發現這些非常罕見的改編曲. 卡爾.大衛.史泰格曼(Carl David Stegmann, 1751-1826)是位男高音, 鍵盤樂師, 指揮家兼作曲家, 大多數時間從事歌劇工作. 他曾受雇於德國梅因茲(Mainz)的宮廷劇院, 唱過第一部德文版的(唐喬凡尼), 也曾經在法蘭克福有過幾次受到好評的表演. 他受過管風琴師訓練, 曾經改寫過莫札特弦樂四重奏與貝多芬的弦樂三重奏,作品9和25首海頓的交響曲. 伊凡·伊利奇說: 我不清楚這些改編作品是否是為公開的音樂會曲目而寫. 但無論如何, 每當我彈奏這些作品時的狂熱說服我要錄製這專輯, 讓更多的人聽到史泰格曼風格的改編曲. Ivan Ilic (piano) Ivan Ilic came across these transcriptions, scarcely known at all, through the most unlikely and serendipitous sequence of events. Carl David Stegmann (1751 – 1826) was a tenor, keyboard player, conductor, and composer, who worked mostly in the field of opera. Employed by the Court Theatre in Mainz (where he sang in the first German-language production of Don Giovanni), he also gave a number of acclaimed performances in Frankfurt. Trained as an organist, he made transcriptions of string quintets by Mozart and Beethoven's Trios, Op. 9 as well as keyboard transcriptions of twenty-five of Haydn's symphonies. Ivan Ilic writes: ‘It is unclear to me whether these transcriptions were ever meant to be played as concert repertoire, in public. Nevertheless, the enthusiasm I have encountered wherever I have played them has persuaded me to make this recording, to allow more people to hear Stegmann's idiomatic arrangements.' Symphony No.92 'Oxford' (1789) (Hob.I:92) 23:25 in G major 1.Adagio - Allegro spirito 7:14 2.Cantabile 5:54 3.Menuetto. Allegretto - Trio - Menuetto Da Capo 4:29 4.Presto 5:38 Symphony No.75 (1779) (Hob.I:75) 22:50 in D major 5.Grave - Presto 8:12 6.Andante con variazioni 7:15 7.Menuetto. Allegretto - Trio - Menuetto Da Capo 3:22 8.Vivace 3:52 Symphony No.44 'Trauer' (1770-71) (Hob.I:44) 22:07 in E minor (Mourning) 9.Allegro con brio 6:31 10.Menuetto. Allegretto - Trio - Menuetto Da Capo 3:32 11.Adagio ma non troppo 7:05 12.Presto 4:50

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