專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2021 國際條碼: 3760127225072 音樂廠牌: MIRARE 海頓: 四重奏作品76-2, 巴爾托克: 作品Sz.85, 莫札特: 作品K465號 莫迪里亞尼弦樂四重奏 Revered since the height of the Classical era up to the simmering years of the 20th century, the string quartet represented an ideal genre to which composers entrusted their most innovative ideas. The Modigliani Quartet illuminates these brillant masterpieces, each bearing witness to a turning point in the lives of their authors. Brimming with poetry, audacity and a thirst for life, the singular narratives of these quartets herald the advent of new horizons. Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) Quatuor en re mineur opus 76 n°2 Hob.III.76 « Les quintes » 1. Allegro 9'52 2. Andante o piu tosto allegretto 6'10 3. Menuetto - Trio 3'40 4. Finale. Vivace assai 4'07 Bela Bartok (1881-1945) Quatuor a cordes n°3 en do diese mineur Sz. 85 5. Prima parte : moderato 4'49 6. Seconda parte : allegro 5'37 7. Ricapitulazione della prima parte : moderato - Coda : allegro molto 5'05 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) Quatuor n°19 K. 465 en do majeur opus 10 n°6 « Les dissonances » 8. Adagio — Allegro 11'28 9. Andante cantabile 7'42 10. Menuetto Allegro - Trio 4'46 11. Allegro 8'01