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貝多芬 莊嚴彌撒 Beethoven Missa Solemnis C999201 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

貝多芬 莊嚴彌撒 Beethoven Missa Solemnis C999201 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2020 國際條碼: 4011790999128 音樂廠牌: Orfeo 貝多芬:莊嚴彌撒D大調,作品123 麥可.吉倫 指揮 維也納廣播交響樂團 維也納歌唱協會 Historical recording from 1985. Michael Gielen ( †8 March, 2019) conducts the ORF Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra. Missa solemnis was Beethoven’s response to the appointment of his student Archduke Rudolph (youngest brother of Emperor Franz I of Austria) as Archbishop of Olmutz in 1819. He set to work spontaneously, without a direct commission. He planned for the piece to be completed on the occasion of Rudolph’s enthronement, on 19 March 1820, but the work proved to be much more of a challenge for the composer than he had anticipated. Accordingly, the premiere did not take place for another four years, on 7 April 1824, at a charity concert given by the Philharmonic Society of St Petersburg. Missa solemnis still faces challenges today. This extraordinary work does not appear in the concert repertoire as often as it used to some years ago. “The world of shareholder values doesn’t care for Christ", as Michael Gielen said. He believed that this is one reason for the difficulties the work seems to cause audiences today. Michael Gielen, who passed away in March 2019, can be heard in this historic recording from 1985 with the ORF Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra. 1 Kyrie 2 Gloria 3 Credo 4 Sanctus 5 Agnus Dei






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