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貝多芬 鋼琴協奏曲全集 Bavouzet Beethoven Piano Concertos CHSA5273 3 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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貝多芬 鋼琴協奏曲全集 Bavouzet Beethoven Piano Concertos CHSA5273 3 最新價格

貝多芬 鋼琴協奏曲全集 Bavouzet Beethoven Piano Concertos CHSA5273 3 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

貝多芬 鋼琴協奏曲全集 Bavouzet Beethoven Piano Concertos CHSA5273 3 描述

專輯類型: 3SACD 發行年份: 2020 國際條碼: 0095115527320 音樂廠牌: Chandos 貝多芬:五首鋼琴協奏曲全集/鋼琴及木管五重奏,作品16 尚-艾弗藍.巴佛傑 鋼琴/指揮 瑞典室內管弦樂團 在他備受好評的與貝多芬同時期音樂家的奏鳴曲錄音專輯之後, 巴佛傑更進一步的以這套鋼琴協奏曲全集來慶祝這偉大作曲家的週年紀念. 他選擇彈奏鋼琴兼指揮瑞典室內管弦樂團, 他寫著”能夠在一位分享並充實對這些作品願景的作曲家之下演奏一首協奏曲是一位獨奏家最大的喜悅. 但是我們也承認從某些方面來說, 沒有指揮家的演奏也許證明有些優點. 一般來說, 因為要制訂獨奏家與指揮家協調樂團演奏時不同的手勢協議的過程, 預演的時間會比較長. 當這工作進行時, 鍛鍊出一種創新的關聯, 造成一種藝術性滲透作用, 形成一種對作品的共同願景, 不會允許妥協地方的存在. 對鋼琴家而言, 還有一種和整個樂團面對面的直接視覺溝通的喜悅 音樂家們也許比喜歡採取個人行動, 因此真誠的參與, 對話和音樂交流的樂趣倍增”. 在此錄音專輯中採用的華彩樂段(cadenzas)全部都是貝多芬的, 從他在1809年寫的一組, 還有和第五號協奏曲同時期的也是. 此套專輯包含了給鋼琴與木管的五重奏, 作品16, 以環繞音效錄製成三片SACD, 但只定成兩片的價格發行. Following his acclaimed recording of sonatas by contemporaries of Beethoven, Jean-Efflam Bavouzet further celebrates the great composer's anniversary year with this set of the complete Piano Concertos. Electing to direct the Swedish Chamber Orchestra from the keyboard, Jean-Efflam writes: 'To play a concerto under a conductor who shares and enriches one's vision of the work concerned is one of the greatest joys in the life of a soloist. Nevertheless, one can also admit that some aspects of performing without a conductor may prove advantageous. Rehearsal time is generally speaking made longer by the process of working out the different protocol of gestures from the soloist and the leader in coordinating the ensemble playing. As this work proceeds a creative bond is forged, resulting in an artistic osmosis, a common vision of the work, in which compromise has no place. For the pianist there is also the delight of appearing face to face with the entire orchestra, in direct visual communication, the musicians perhaps more likely to take personal initiatives, thus multiplying the pleasure of a genuine participation, dialogue, and musical exchange.' The cadenzas used in this recording are all Beethoven's, from the set that he wrote out in 1809, and so are contemporaneous with the Fifth Concerto. CD1 LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN Piano Concerto No.2, Op.19 (1787/88-95, revised 1798)27:16 1.Allegro con brio13:02 2.Adagio8:14 3.Rondo. Molto allegro6:00 Piano Concerto No.1, Op.15 (1795, revised 1800)35:03 4.Allegro con brio16:42 5.Largo9:42 6.Rondo. Allegro8:38 Total time: 62:18 CD2 Piano Concerto No.3, Op.37 (1802-03)33:40 1.Allegro con brio15:48 2.Largo8:56 3.Rondo. Allegro - Presto8:57 Piano Concerto No.4, Op.58 (1805-06)31:45 4.Allegro moderato17:51 5.Andante con moto -4:18 6.Rondo. Vivace - Presto9:33 Total time: 65:23 CD3 Piano Concerto No.5, Op.73 (1809) 1.Allegro18:58 2.Adagio un poco mosso -7:31 3.Rondo. Allegro9:46 Grand Quintet, Op.16 (1796-97) *24:54 for Piano with Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, and Horn 4.Grave - Allegro, ma non troppo12:40 5.Andante cantabile6:34 6.Rondo. Allegro, ma non troppo5:38 Total time: 61:07 Swedish Chamber Orchestra Karin Egardt oboe Kevin Spagnolo clarinet Mikael Lindström bassoon Terese Larsson horn Urban Svensson leader Jean-Efflam Bavouzet pianist • director

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