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貝多芬 給愛麗絲 鋼琴小品集 Beethoven Fur Elise and Bagatelles HMM902416 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

貝多芬 給愛麗絲 鋼琴小品集 Beethoven Fur Elise and Bagatelles HMM902416 規格

貝多芬 給愛麗絲 鋼琴小品集 Beethoven Fur Elise and Bagatelles HMM902416 最新價格

貝多芬 給愛麗絲 鋼琴小品集 Beethoven Fur Elise and Bagatelles HMM902416 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

貝多芬 給愛麗絲 鋼琴小品集 Beethoven Fur Elise and Bagatelles HMM902416 描述

專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2020 國際條碼: 3149020941850 音樂廠牌: harmonia mundi 貝多芬:給愛麗絲/G小調幻想曲/鋼琴小品集作品33.119.126 保羅.路易斯 鋼琴 '貝多芬作品縮影' 在我們對鋼琴的集體概念中, 貝多芬的名字是與偉大的32首奏鳴曲關聯在一起的, 是經常被提升至'新約聖經'的地位並和巴哈的'舊約聖經'(十二平均律)並列在一起. 但是, 經過數十年的時期, (給愛麗絲)的作曲家經常回歸到小品集的曲目類別, 雖然稱之為'瑣碎的小作品', 但其實對他意義重大. 如同在奏鳴曲一般, 在這出類拔萃的小作品型式, 貝多芬為一個蓬勃發展的新類別(鋼琴小品)奠下了基礎. 無論這些作品只有幾分鐘或幾秒鐘長度, 這些小品是大師級作品. 'Miniature' Beethoven! In our collective idea of the piano, Beethoven's name is associated with the monument of the thirty-two sonatas, which have often been elevated to the status of the 'New Testament' beside the 'Old Testament' of Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier. Yet, over a period of decades, the composer of Fur Elise constantly returned to the genre of the bagatelle, which he called 'trifles' but which actually meant a great deal to him. In this small form par excellence, as in the sonata, Beethoven laid the foundations for a flourishing new genre, the piano miniature. Whether they last a few minutes or a few seconds, these Bagatelles are masterpieces! LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN(1770-1827) Seven Bagatelles op. 33 1. Andante grazioso quasi allegretto 3'58 2. Scherzo. Allegro - Trio 2'50 3. Allegretto 2'03 4. Andante 3'05 5. Allegro ma non troppo 3'12 6. Allegretto quasi andante. Con una certa espressione parlante 2'23 7. Presto 2'00 Eleven Bagatelles op. 119 8 1. Allegretto 2'28 9 2. Andante con moto 1'04 10 3. À l'Allemande 1'40 11 4. Andante cantabile 1'39 12 5. Risoluto 1'04 13 6. Andante - Allegretto leggiermente 1'51 14 7. [Allegro ma non troppo] 1'10 15 8. Moderato cantabile. Molto legato 1'26 16 9. Vivace moderato 0'31 17 10. Allegramente 0'12 18 11. Andante ma non troppo. Innocentemente e cantabile 1'47 Six Bagatelles op. 126 19 1. Andante con moto, cantabile e con piacevole 3'00 20 2. Allegro 3'01 21 3. Andante cantabile e grazioso 2'47 22 4. Presto 3'53 23 5. Quasi allegretto 2'39 24 6. Presto - Andante amabile e con moto 4'18 25 Bagatelle Fur Elise / Lettre a Elise WoO 59 3'23 26 Klavierstuck WoO 60 1'14 27 Klavierstuck WoO 61 2'31 28 Klavierstuck WoO 61a 0'34 29 Fantasia op. 77 9'18 Paul Lewis, piano

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