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貝多芬 艾格蒙 蕾奧諾拉 Beethoven Egmont Lenore MP1903 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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貝多芬 艾格蒙 蕾奧諾拉 Beethoven Egmont Lenore MP1903 描述

專輯類型: 2CD 發行年份: 2020 國際條碼: 4011790190327 音樂廠牌: Orfeo 貝多芬: (艾格蒙)戲劇配樂 安東.雷哈: (蕾奧諾拉)清唱戲劇 阿伯瑞許特 指揮 漢堡國家愛樂管絃樂團 弗利德‧貝爾紐斯 指揮 布拉格室內合唱團 While Ludwig van Beethoven’s only opera Fidelio remains at home timelessly on all the major stages, concert audiences are usually only aware of the relevant overtures of the other stage music by the great composer. However, the eminently appealing music of Egmont with its beautiful and catchy songs and its energetic and melodious orchestral scores might be considered as Beethoven’s most interesting and worthwhile stage music after Fidelio. Antonín Reicha’s dramatic cantata Lenore is the musical setting of the eponymous horror ballade by the German poet Gottfried August Burger, famous today above all as the author of the tales concerning the Baron of the Lies, Munchhausen. In comparison with Beethoven (who is said greatly to have admired Reicha’s Lenore and even to have recommended it be performed), in musical terms Reicha’s cantata does not point into the future despite all its onomatopoetic effects, but takes its bearings audibly from the epic oratorio style of Reicha’s mentor and friend, Joseph Haydn. CD1 L.v. Beethoven: Music to Goethe's Tragedy Egmont op. 84 RUTH ZIESAK Sopran / soprano • ULRICH TUKUR Erzahler / Narrator PHILHARMONISCHES STAATSORCHESTER HAMBURG GERD ALBRECHT Dirigent / conductor CD2 A. Reicha: Lenore for vocal soloists, Choir and Orchestra (dramatic cantata) LENORE: CAMILLA NYLUND Sopran / soprano MUTTER: PAVIA VYKOPALOVÁ Mezzosopran / mezzosoprano ERZAHLER: CORBY WELCH Tenor WILHELM: VLADÍMIR CHMELO Bass P RAGUE CHAMBER CHOIR VIRTUOSI DI PRAGA • Oldřich Vlcek Konzertmeiser / concert master FRIEDER BERNIUS Dirigent / conductor

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