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(BIS) 羅曼 12首長笛奏鳴曲 Roman The 12 Flute Sonatas SACD2155 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

(BIS) 羅曼 12首長笛奏鳴曲 Roman The 12 Flute Sonatas SACD2155 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


專輯類型: 1SACD 發行年份: 2016 國際條碼: 7318599921556 音樂廠牌: BIS 羅曼在世時,斯德哥爾摩最常見的樂器就是直笛,無論是貧富貴賤各階層都有它的蹤跡,當然連羅曼任職的皇家音樂機構也不例外。另一方面來說,長笛則是中上階層像是貴族或中產家庭的必備品。或許正因為長笛予人較高級的觀感,促使羅曼寫下12首給橫笛、大提琴和大鍵琴的奏鳴曲,並在1727年瑞典女王小烏爾麗卡.埃利諾拉的祝壽場合上演出。儘管是寫給長笛的作品,對同樣來自瑞典的直笛大師丹.羅林而言,就算改成以直笛演出也毫不費力。 在CD解說冊當中,羅林提到自己一直對羅曼的音樂相當醉心:複雜的情緒脈絡和民謠形式形成對比-音樂充滿非對稱、不規律以及無法預料的扭轉、突然的暫停和裝飾奏。羅曼1715-1721年旅居倫敦時,結識當地的義大利音樂家並且深受其風格影響,然而讓羅林驚訝的是那不勒斯的音樂居然可以讓來自北歐瑞典的羅曼如此著迷-那不勒斯樂派可說挑戰了當時巴洛克的典型風格。 音樂天堂合奏團由四位成員組成,編制為直笛、巴洛克中提琴、大鍵琴以及巴洛克大提琴。羅林和這些音樂家決定以更為義大利風格的形式呈現這些樂曲:不同配置的連續低音,從大鍵琴獨奏到所有樂器一起加入-包含巴洛克吉他,以大膽迷人的和諧感創造出截然不同的音樂性格。 上一張收錄羅曼第1~5號長笛奏鳴曲專輯(BIS2105)不僅被Klassik-Heute.de網站大力推薦,留聲機雜誌更譽為「丹.羅林照例以一貫的氣韻和高雅注入樂曲當中,這些作品的情感內涵就和他們的樂章順序一樣,讓你無法預測」 In Johan Helmich Roman's lifetime, the recorder was the most common wind instrument in Stockholm, used across the social spectrum – including the Royal music establishment for which the composer was responsible. The transverse flute, on the other hand, was generally the preserve of the upper classes: the nobility and bourgeoisie. Possibly this higher status influenced Roman's choice of instrument for the set of XII Sonate a flauto traverso, violone e cembalo – but that hasn't stopped the celebrated recorder player Dan Laurin from taking up his countryman's sonatas on his own instrument. In his liner notes, Laurin explains his fascination with Roman's music: 'complex emotional contexts are contrasted with folk music forms such as the villanella or piva – the music is asymmetrical, irregular and full of unexpected twists, sudden pauses and cadences.' In it, he hears the influence of the Italian musicians that Roman met in London during his stay there 1715-1721, and with his fellow musicians in Paradiso Musicale, Laurin opts for an Italianate slant in his performances: continuo settings ranging from harpsichord alone to the full complement including baroque guitar provide great variety in realizations characterized by striking harmonizations. With its ample playing time, the present disc completes Laurin's survey of the sonatas, begun on BIS-2105 with Sonatas 1-5, a disc which received a recommendation on the web site Klassik- and acclaim in Gramophone: 'Dan Laurin brings all his customary verve and eloquence in pieces whose emotional content is as unpredictable as the sequence of movements.' Together with the companion discs of Roman's 12 keyboard sonatas recorded by Anna Paradiso, the set highlights the inquisitive mind and wide-ranging sensibilities of a composer who, although active in the far north of Europe showed a keen interest in what was happening on the continent. 1–5) Sonata VI in B minor, BeRI 206 12'26 6–9) Sonata VII in G major, BeRI 207 12'50 10–14) Sonata VIII in A major, BeRI 208 11'50 15–19) Sonata IX in C major, BeRI 209 14'32 20–24) Sonata X in E minor, BeRI 210 11'18 25–28) Sonata XI in G minor, BeRI 211 9'07 29–32) Sonata XII in D major, BeRI 212 8'33






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