專輯類型: 1SACD 發行年份: 2016 國際條碼: 7318599921426 音樂廠牌: BIS 1914年普羅高菲夫自聖彼得堡音樂院畢業,翌年他寫下一段抒情的小提琴旋律,雖然他打算將之擴大寫成單一樂章的小協奏曲,不過同時間另一部歌劇《賭徒》耗費他太多心力,直到1917年這部作品完稿後,普羅高菲夫才有機會將上述的小提琴素材重新拿來創作,架構也從原本單一樂章擴展成三樂章的第一號小提琴協奏曲。聖彼得堡音樂院的教授,同時也是魯賓斯坦二重奏搭檔的波蘭小提琴家科漢斯基(Paul Kochanski, 1887-1934)針對小提琴獨奏部分給予不少建議。原本首演也是屬意給他,後來十月革命爆發,兩人分別出逃至歐洲與美國,1923年才由庫塞維茲基指揮巴黎歌劇院管弦樂團在巴黎首演該曲,獨奏則是該團首席馬歇爾.達何友(Marcel Darrieux)擔任。米爾斯坦和霍洛維茲在莫斯科首演該曲的小提琴與鋼琴版,事後米爾斯坦形容「絕對是最棒的當代小提琴協奏曲之一...精彩萬分,或許可以說是普羅高菲夫最傑出的作品!」解說冊中還有提到一段普羅高菲夫與西格替(Joseph] Szigeti)關於此曲的趣聞軼事,專輯買回家後別忘記細讀內文。 普羅高菲夫的第二號協奏曲乃是因應法國小提琴家好友蘇坦斯(Robert Soetens)的邀曲而作,無論是旋律、和聲或是架構形式都呈現出更為透明簡約的方向,同時也具備了社會唯實主義的條件。作品推出後,同樣讓當代小提琴大師歐伊斯特拉夫和海飛茲深深為之著迷,後者更是美國首演獨奏者,也是第一位留下該曲錄音的獨奏家。 本輯最後一首D大調小提琴奏鳴曲是普氏唯一一首無伴奏小提琴作品,但嚴格來說其實是給小提琴齊奏用的奏鳴曲:1947年出於教學目的,為了讓一群小提琴學生能一起演奏所寫。雖然出發點是教學,但這部作品絕非僅是單純的技巧訓練而已,在短短十分多鐘的時間內既有情感抒發,也有豐富迷人的創作概念。 烏克蘭小提琴家葛魯茲曼向來擅長19、20世紀的作品,耀眼的音樂表現博得許多評論的青睞。他在BIS發行的多張專輯(包含柴可夫斯基、布魯赫、古拜杜麗娜、巴伯)曾獲得年度音叉大獎、許多音樂雜誌和網站如BBC音樂雜誌、The Strad、Fono Forum還有ClassicsToday.com更是對他大大推崇。 Nathan Milstein once described Sergei Prokofiev's first violin concerto as: 'indeed one of the best modern violin concertos… a brilliant piece, perhaps the finest of all Prokofiev's works', while the second concerto was taken up by violinists such as David Oistrakh and Jascha Heifetz. Here the two works are interpreted by the Ukrainian-born Vadim Gluzman, who as many critics have remarked is firmly based in the glorious tradition of these and other virtuosos of the 19th and 20th centuries. His several discs for BIS have included concertos by Tchaikovsky and Bruch as well as by Gubaidulina and Barber, earning him accolades such as Diapason d'or de l'année, and numerous recommendations by magazines and websites including The Strad, BBC Music Magazine, Fono Forum and ClassicsToday.com. On the present disc, Gluzman is supported by the eminent Estonian National Symphony Orchestra conducted by Neeme Jarvi, with impressive credentials in Prokofiev's music. Gluzman rounds off the programme with Prokofiev's only solo work for the violin, the Sonata in D major, Op.115 – one of the composer's less familiar compositions for the instrument. Strictly speaking it is a sonata for several violins: Prokofiev wrote the piece in 1947 to be played in unison by violin students. Despite its pedagogical purpose, the sonata is far more than just a technical exercise, however, presenting an overwhelming richness of ideas and emotions within a short time-frame. Sergei Prokofiev Violin Concerto No. 1 in D major, Op. 19 (1915–17) 1. I. Andantino 9'05 2. II. Scherzo. Vivacissimo 3'51 3. III. Moderato – Allegro moderato 7'34 Violin Concerto No. 2 in G minor, Op. 63 (1935) 4. I. Allegro moderato 10'25 5. II. Andante assai – Allegretto 10'02 6. III. Allegro ben marcato 5'59 Sonata in D major for solo violin, Op. 115 (1947) 7. I. Moderato 5'00 8. II. Andante dolce. Tema con variazioni 3'13 9. III. Con brio – Allegro precipitato 3'31