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(BIS) 雷史畢基 羅馬三部曲 Respighi Roman Trilogy SACD1720 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

(BIS) 雷史畢基 羅馬三部曲 Respighi Roman Trilogy SACD1720 規格

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(BIS) 雷史畢基 羅馬三部曲 Respighi Roman Trilogy SACD1720 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

(BIS) 雷史畢基 羅馬三部曲 Respighi Roman Trilogy SACD1720 描述

專輯類型: 1SACD 發行年份: 2010 國際條碼: 7318599917207 音樂廠牌: BIS 雷史畢基的羅馬三部曲(羅馬節慶、羅馬之泉、羅馬之松)在所有管弦曲目中有著特別的地位,同樣是以音樂寫景的曲目中,很少有如此直接讓聽眾領受聽覺魔力進而大讚過癮的作品。裡面許多華麗的場景:像是在刺眼耀目的正午時分閃耀輝映陽光的特萊維噴泉;孩童在鮑格才別墅嬉耍玩鬧;亦或是馬克西穆斯競技場拼個你死我活的鬥士,羅馬的種種歷史文化題材,都讓這位精通管弦配器的大師有機會自由調配出大型交響樂團的豐富色彩。 此外,他更在傳統的管弦樂團中加入許多樂器,像是管風琴、鋼琴、鋼片琴、鐵琴、曼陀林和鈴鼓,這都讓整體的音響更為華麗多變。事實上,《羅馬之松》的第三部份「賈尼可倫之松」裡面,他更大膽跨出大步,首次在古典音樂裡面使用留聲機,用來播放結尾時夜鶯的啼叫聲。總的來說,這些作品耀眼、微亮、刺耳喧鬧、狂風暴雨,各種情緒應有盡有:在奈許靈指揮的聖保羅交響樂團之下,你可以輕鬆嚐到上述所列的聽覺饗宴。 他們有一系列以巴西作曲家為主角的有趣錄音,畢竟在市場導向的機制下,能夠挑選相對冷門的作曲家發行專輯,實在是智勇兼備。也難怪古典今日網會給予本輯藝術性和音響性10/10的最高評價,此外,像是「最生動、色彩豔麗、節奏感旺盛以及可想而知演奏實力」、「狂歡到底的色彩和節奏」、「融合華麗的色彩、躍動不已的節奏和柔順靈敏的分句」也是樂評對他們先前專輯的評語,要感受這種威力,沒有比雷史畢基的羅馬三部曲更適合的作品了! Ottorino Respighi's Roman Trilogy (the tone poems Pines of Rome, Fountains of Rome and Roman Festivals) holds a very special place in the orchestral repertory, challenging almost any other composition for sheer sonic audience appeal. Spectacular scenes such as Fontana di Trevi in the glitter of the mid-day sun, children playing under the pine-trees of the Villa Borghese or gladiators fighting at Circus Maximus provided the masterly orchestrator with the opportunity to employ the full palette of the large-scale symphony orchestra, to which he added various instruments, including organ, piano, celesta, glockenspiel, mandolin and tambourines. In fact, in the third part of the Pines of Rome Respighi went even further and specified, for the first time ever in classical music, the use of a gramophone, playing a recording of a nightingale singing. As a result, these works glitter, shimmer, blare and thunder: a true feast for the ear which here has found worthy exponents in the São Paulo Symphony Orchestra (OSESP) and John Neschling. Previous releases by this team include recordings of music by Villa-Lobos and his Brazilian colleagues Camargo Guarnieri, Francisco Mignone and Claudio Santoro, and individual discs have been described by reviewers as 'the most vibrant, colorful, rhythmically vital and virtuosic performances imaginable' (on website Classics, 'an orgy of colours and rhythms' (in Diapason), and 'an assured blend of lush colours, pulsating rhythms and supple phrasing' (in International Record Review.) Such qualities certainly work in the Old World, too - and nowhere better than in Ottorino Respighi's Rome! Ottorino Respighi Fontane di Roma (Fountains of Rome) 16'36 01 1. La fontana di Valle Giulia all'alba 4'53 02 2. La fontana del Tritone al mattino 2'41 03 3. La fontana di Trevi al meriggio 3'47 04 4. La fontana di Villa Medici al tramonto 5'15 Pini di Roma (Pines of Rome) 21'42 05 1. I pini di Villa Borghese 2'40 06 2. Pini presso una catacomba 6'55 07 3. I pini del Gianicolo 7'40 08 4. I pini della via Appia 4'27 Feste Romane (Roman Festivals) 24'23 09 1. Circenses 4'46 10 2. Il Giubileo 6'21 11 3. L'Ottobrata 8'01 12 4. La Befana 5'15 Album total 63'41

(BIS) 雷史畢基 羅馬三部曲 Respighi Roman Trilogy SACD1720 商品選項

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