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(BIS) 歐拉莫指揮 艾爾加 第2號交響曲 悲歌 嘆息 Elgar SACD1879 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

(BIS) 歐拉莫指揮 艾爾加 第2號交響曲 悲歌 嘆息 Elgar SACD1879 規格

(BIS) 歐拉莫指揮 艾爾加 第2號交響曲 悲歌 嘆息 Elgar SACD1879 最新價格

(BIS) 歐拉莫指揮 艾爾加 第2號交響曲 悲歌 嘆息 Elgar SACD1879 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

(BIS) 歐拉莫指揮 艾爾加 第2號交響曲 悲歌 嘆息 Elgar SACD1879 描述

專輯類型: 1SACD 發行年份: 2013 國際條碼: 7318599918792 音樂廠牌: BIS Oramo, Sakari (conductor) 薩卡利.歐拉莫 (指揮) Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra 皇家斯德哥爾摩愛樂管弦樂團 BIS與皇家斯德哥爾摩愛樂的合作情誼始於30多年前,多位知名音樂家如安塔爾.杜拉第、尤里.阿羅諾維奇和艾倫.吉伯特皆曾擔任該團的首席指揮,在他們的世代交替下也留下了豐富的錄音。薩卡利.歐拉莫自2008年接下首席指揮一職,繼續帶領樂團往新世紀前進。歐拉莫特地挑選艾爾加作為新專輯的曲目,從他擔任伯明罕市交響樂團指揮期間,他便相當醉心於艾爾加並且推廣不遺餘力。特別是對艾爾加的管弦技巧最為推崇「艾爾加的管弦技法總是以宏偉莊嚴的手法帶動音樂中的呼吸、反射、漣漪以及流動,這是其他作曲家所沒有的。他和理查史特勞斯一樣,技巧應用掌握的相當精準,這點讓他得以感受到音樂中的色彩和陰影。」英國艾爾加協會便因為他這番熱血推廣而頒贈紀念勳章表達致意,他的詮釋更是牽動英國人民的內心而廣受愛戴。本輯的重點曲目第二號交響曲演出長度將近一小時,色調陰暗卻充滿力度。原先是要獻給英王愛德華七世表達忠誠,沒想到1910年5月英王驟逝,這首交響曲於是改為悼念性質並於隔年首演。其他兩曲與第二號交響曲的創作年代相近,一首是寫給弦樂、豎琴和管風琴的「嘆息」,另一首「悲歌」,無論那一首都是哀悼之情溢於言表的優美演出。這張錄音展現了歐拉莫駕馭樂團又能掌控於全盤之中的精湛能力,無怪乎在領軍伯明罕市交響樂團期間能風靡老少樂迷。 Sunday Times 18/08/2013: "Sakari Oramo catches the sadness at the core of the first movement's opening bravura and draws out beautifully its mysterious middle section. The wonderful Larghetto is a joy, the scherzo suitably wild and scary, and the performance ends in the right resigned, wistful glow." The collaboration between BIS and the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra (RSPO) began some 30 years ago, and has resulted in a number of discs conducted by such distinguished musicians as Antal Dorati, Yuri Ahronovitch and Alan Gilbert, all past chief conductors of the orchestra. As the present principal conductor, Sakari Oramo now conducts the RSPO on a BIS recording, he has chosen works by Edward Elgar, a composer whose music he has been a fervent advocate of since his tenure at the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra. In particular he is fascinated by Elgar's orchestration technique: 'Elgar's orchestrations breathe, reflect and ripple, transporting the music in majestic waves unlike anybody else's. He applied his technique as precisely as Richard Strauss, but also allowed himself to be carried away, to feel every colour and shade.' Sakari Oramo's commitment to Elgar has been rewarded by a medal from the British Elgar Society, and his interpretations have met with great acclaim in the composer's own country. The main work on the present disc is the Second Symphony – a darkly hued, powerful work lasting almost an hour. The composer apparently planned to dedicate it to King Edward VII as 'a loyal tribute', but the monarch's sudden death in May 1910, led to the symphony being inscribed instead to his memory. Composed during the same years as the symphony, the two companion pieces on the disc also have a melancholy tinge: Elegy for strings, and Sospiri ('sighs') for strings, harp and organ. Sir Edward Elgar Symphony No.2 in E flat major, Op.63 54'11 01 I. Allegro vivace e nobilmente e semplice 17'33 02 II. Larghetto 14'00 03 III. Rondo. Presto 7'36 04 IV. Moderato e maestoso 15'02 05 Sospiri, Op.70 3'50 06 Elegy for strings, Op.58 4'14 Album total 63'54

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