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(BIS) CPE 巴哈 鍵盤協奏曲 第19集 CPE Bach CD1957 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

(BIS) CPE 巴哈 鍵盤協奏曲 第19集 CPE Bach CD1957 規格

(BIS) CPE 巴哈 鍵盤協奏曲 第19集 CPE Bach CD1957 最新價格

(BIS) CPE 巴哈 鍵盤協奏曲 第19集 CPE Bach CD1957 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

(BIS) CPE 巴哈 鍵盤協奏曲 第19集 CPE Bach CD1957 描述

專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2013 國際條碼: 7318590019573 音樂廠牌: BIS 從本系列的第17集開始,史巴尼陸續將CPE巴哈的六首協奏曲Wq 43/1-6 錄製完成,本輯同時也是CPE巴哈(以下簡稱巴哈)鍵盤協奏曲系列的倒數第二集,這項耗時多年的艱鉅任務不多久便將劃下句點。巴哈在1771年完成這套協奏曲,但是在出版之前他已經著手大力宣傳促銷。為了盡可能吸引更多潛在消費者購買,他甚至把作品程度標示為「簡易」,木管樂器也加入許多可隨意調整的部份。他的目標當然是希望能夠將演出者和聽眾兩塊市場一起通吃,因而作品風格以容易引人注意作為策略,平易近人的旋律和舞曲節奏當然不用說,此外也大膽嘗試在常見的協奏曲形式中添加新穎的元素。米克羅斯.史班尼在匈牙利巴洛克古樂團「和諧合奏團」的強力支撐下,演奏仿製1745年的大鍵琴演奏(Wq 43/5 和 43/6、Wq 45) 以及英國古鋼琴製造商布洛德伍德公司1798年製作的古鋼琴(Wq 44)。巴哈的時代有不少大鍵琴由英國大量進口至德國北部,讓當地製造商獲得改良靈感,在細微的力度變化和漸強漸弱上可以展現極為優異的性能,剛好可以忠實呈現巴哈樂譜中的效果。在寫完六首協奏曲七年之後,巴哈又寫了Wq 44和Wq 45,雖然這兩首是同一年完成,但是卻有截然不同的個性,巴哈一直希望能賦予每首新作品明顯的辨識度。一方面也是當時古鋼琴開始興起,巴哈不僅實際接觸演奏,也願意為其作曲,展現他與時俱進的心胸視野。 Recording of the Month, Music Web International, May 2013 On the penultimate disc in his series of the complete keyboard concertos by C.P.E. Bach, Miklos Spanyi completes the set of six concertos (Sei Concerti, Wq 43/1-6) begun on Volume 17. Bach finished working on the set in 1771, but had already advertised its coming publication. In a bid to reach as many potential subscribers as possible, he marketed the works as 'easy', and also included optional parts for wind instruments: two horns in all the fast movements, replaced by flutes in the slow movements. Bach's aim was to make the works appealing to both players and listeners, and the result is a set of highly attractive pieces, with approachable melodies and dance rhythms but also displaying a new freedom with regard to conventional concerto form. With the expert support of the Hungarian period band Concerto Armonico, Miklos Spanyi performs the solo parts of Wq 43/5 and 43/6 on a harpsichord, a copy of an instrument from 1745. Inspired by the English harpsichords that were imported in great number to Northern Germany during Bach's time, this instrument has been fitted with a so-called 'swell device', enabling the performer to achieve dynamic shadings and crescendo-diminuendo effects consistent with the instructions in Bach's scores. Some seven years after the Sei Concerti, Bach composed the concertos in G major (Wq 44) and D major (Wq 45) – two works which, although composed in the same year, are strikingly different in character, evidence of Bach's continuing desire to give each new work a distinctive identity. This has led Miklos Spanyi to choose to perform the Wq 44 concerto on a fortepiano from 1798, by the English maker Broadwood, returning to the harpsichord for the final work on the disc. Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach Concerto in G major, Wq 43/5 (H 475) 12'27 01 I. Adagio – Presto 5'17 02 II. Adagio 2'04 03 III. Allegro 5'06 Concerto in C major, Wq 43/6 (H 476) 19'01 04 I. Allegro di molto 7'46 05 II. Larghetto 3'25 06 III. Allegro 7'50 Concerto in G major, Wq 44 (H 477) 15'02 07 I. Allegretto 6'29 08 II. Andantino 4'38 09 III. Allegro 3'55 Concerto in D major, Wq 45 (H 478) 17'13 10 I. Allegretto 6'57 11 II. Andantino 6'37 12 III. Allegro 3'39 Album total 65'04

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