專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2010 國際條碼: 7318590016244 音樂廠牌: BIS 在卡爾.菲力普.艾曼紐.巴哈(下稱巴哈)的時代,樂曲反覆時會習慣在原有的音符上加上裝飾音讓演奏者即興演出,這種表演風格在巴洛克時期相當興盛,因此聽眾總是會期待演奏者在彈奏作品的反覆段落時能夠端出什麼令人激賞的表演。對專業音樂家來說以高超的個人技巧演奏這種即興當然不費吹灰之力,但是對大部分的業餘人士來說要在演奏反覆時彈出巧妙的即興變化卻是難如登天。1760年巴哈出版了有加上變化反覆的六首奏鳴曲,貼心的將這些反覆樂段要彈奏的「即興」變化都幫你寫好直接讓你看譜彈奏,他也直接了當在樂譜的前言說這部作品是打算給「因為年紀或個人情況抽不出時間也缺乏耐心好好練習的初學者和業餘者」。但是話說回來,要是以為六首奏鳴曲是如此簡單上手,樂譜買回來人人都可以當大師的話那可又大錯特錯,實際上它們需要的技巧還遠超過當時巴哈的其他鍵盤作品,這有可能是因為巴哈想要藉此炫耀自己在裝飾技巧寫作上的大師級功力(才能吸引人家購買樂譜)。無論是因為實用性或是音樂本身的內在價值,這套樂譜在首次出版後便暢銷大賣不久隨即再版發行也是不爭的事實。米克羅斯.史巴尼在解說冊中的看法足以為上述解說提供有力的背書「我們只需好好坐著(克服了大量技巧難度之後)享受這些變化豐富的變奏,欽佩巴哈那源源不絕的作曲能力,能夠一次又一次在既有的和聲行進上變化出許多的全新旋律,然後,開始懷疑我們這些演奏家真的有辦法在音樂會上輕易的在即興演出這些美好的變化反覆樂段嗎...」 It is well-known that during the time of C.P.E. Bach, performers were expected to improvise embellishments when observing the repeats in the pieces they played. Professional musicians were highly skilled in such improvisation, but most amateur players probably had a hard time trying to come up with clever variations for the repetitions that they performed. In the Six Sonatas with Varied Reprises, published in 1760, Bach thoughtfully provided written-out 'improvisations' for sections that are to be repeated, explaining in his preface that the works were intended for 'beginners and those amateurs who, because of their age or other circumstances, no longer have time or patience for diligent practice'. This should not be taken to mean that the six sonatas are easy to play – they actually make greater technical demands than many of his other keyboard works of the period, partly due to the fact that Bach has seized every opportunity to demonstrate his virtuosity in embellishing. Whether because of their usefulness or their intrinsic musical value, this set of sonatas became very popular with reprints following soon after the first publication. In his text about the sonatas, Miklos Spanyi gives them his own, eloquent endorsement: 'We only have to sit back (after having mastered the considerable technical demands) and enjoy the abundant richness of the variations, admire Bach's apparently inexhaustible ability to compose, again and again, new melodic lines over the same harmonic progression – and wonder if we ourselves will ever be able to improvise such wonderfully varied repeats in our concert performances…' Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach Sonata in F major, Wq50/1 (H136) 9'47 01 I. Allegretto 4'10 02 II. Largo 1'51 03 III. Vivace 3'46 Sonata in G major, Wq50/2 (H137) 13'21 04 I. Allegretto 6'58 05 II. Poco adagio 3'20 06 III. Allegro assai 3'03 Sonata in A minor, Wq50/3 (H138) 11'44 07 I. Presto 4'31 08 II. Largo 3'21 09 III. Allegro moderato ma innocentemente 3'52 Sonata in D minor, Wq50/4 (H139) 14'08 10 I. Allegretto grazioso 6'22 11 II. Adagio sostenuto 2'52 12 III. Allegro 4'54 Sonata in B flat major, Wq50/5 (H126) 18'45 13 I. Poco allegro 8'00 14 II. Larghetto 3'47 15 III. Tempo di Minuetto 6'58 Sonata in C minor, Wq50/6 (H140) 16 Allegro moderato 8'58 Album total 78'35