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18世紀布拉格音樂 Music from Eighteenth Century Prague SU4293 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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18世紀布拉格音樂 Music from Eighteenth Century Prague SU4293 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

18世紀布拉格音樂 Music from Eighteenth Century Prague SU4293 描述

專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2021 國際條碼: 0099925429324 音樂廠牌: Suparphon 18世紀布拉格音樂(布里克西:聖母頌歌) 漢娜.布拉吉柯娃 女高音 楊·哈德克 指揮 疑神疑鬼合奏團 In the first third of the 18th-century, Prague was a major music centre, with Italian operas and concertos, French suites, Italian and German oratorios being performed in the city, and the local churches striving to acquire the latest and most virtuosic compositions. Simon Brixi was one of the most distinguished composers who drew inspiration from this thriving culture, while creating highly inventive music of his own. He mainly wrote liturgical pieces, yet few of them have survived. Brixi gained great acclaim for his musicae navales for the popular Saint John of Nepomuk Festivities in May on the river Vltava. Although he did not publish his scores, Brixi was a renowned composer and his music was frequently performed. Copies of his works were possessed by, among others, Jan Dismas Zelenka. Brixi mastered all the styles and techniques of his time, ranging from rigorous counterpoint to elements of the nascent Galant style. The works are arranged on the album in a one-day liturgical arch, with the morning mass followed by litanies and the canticle Magnificat from vespers, which owing to its style and high technical requirements may bring to mind Zelenka's music. Made up of superlative soloists, Hipocondria Ensemble bring back to life Simon Brixi's overlooked works. Their recording of the Magnificat is the first made on historical instruments. Simon Brixi - a composer whose music deserves a second life after three centuries. Simon Brixi Missa ex D 1. Kyrie 03:28 2. Gloria in excelsis Deo 01:43 3. Laudamus te 01:17 4. Gratias agimus tibi 01:38 5. Domine Deus 01:41 6. Qui tollis peccata mundi 02:09 7. Quoniam tu solus sanctus 01:02 8. Cum Sancto Spiritu 01:27 9. Credo in unum Deum 02:23 10. Crucifixus 01:51 11. Et resurrexit 01:22 12. Et in Spiritum 04:10 13. Sanctus 01:33 14. Osanna in excelsis 01:01 15. Benedictus 00:49 16. Osanna in excelsis 01:03 17. Agnus Dei 04:00 Simon Brixi 18. Arietta de gloriosissima resurrectione Domini nostri Jesu Christi 04:32 Simon Brixi Litaniae de venerabili sacramento 19. Kyrie 02:11 20. Hostia immaculata 02:51 21. Fons vivus 00:49 22. Praecelsum venerabile 02:30 23. Sacrata pax 00:37 24. Oblatum holocaustum 01:25 25. Cruentum sacrificium 01:16 26. Altare seraphinorum 01:45 27. Agnus Dei 02:51 Simon Brixi 28. Alma Redemptoris Mater 05:21 Simon Brixi 29. Domine ad adjuvandum me festina 03:29 Simon Brixi Magnificat 30. Magnificat anima mea 02:15 31. Quia respexit 01:27 32. Ecce enim ex hoc 00:44 33. Quia fecit mihi magna 02:12 34. Et misericordia 01:05 35. Fecit potentiam 01:56 36. Deposuit potentes 01:21 37. Esurientes implevit bonis 00:34 38. Sicut locutus est 02:29 39. Gloria Patri 02:39

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歐洲 & 美國
CD, DVD & 藍光光碟類型

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