法國粉紅礦泥粉 英文名: Pink French Clay 規格:超細/ 產地:法國 用途:粉紅礦泥是白礦和紅礦泥組成,富含多種礦物質,讓皮膚變得平滑、有光澤;特別益於乾性和敏感肌膚,增加彈性,具滋養與收歛功效,非常適合敷臉和胸、腿、腹、上手臂等身體部位。 用法:加水調成泥狀塗抹於臉部與脖子等部位,避開脆弱的眼睛四周,待10- 15分鐘後以清水充分洗淨。 保存方式:放置陰涼乾燥處,避免陽光直射。 When using Superfine Pink Clay add purified water, or floral water, mix into a paste and apply to the face or body. Allow to dry, rinse it off, spritz with floral water or toner, and use your favourite moisturizer to finish. We recommend that you also try adding your preference of essential oils or dried herbs to compliment the mix. Usage levels: •5-40% in masks •Blend into the product when cool •Homogenisation is recommended Incompatibilities: Dissolves in highly acidic and highly alkaline solutions.