法國紅色礦泥粉 英文名: Red French Clay 規格:超細/ 產地:法國 用途:紅礦泥富含鐵和銅氧化物,溫和適所有膚質,調理、滋養肌膚,也適用黑眼圈和眼袋,其天然的紅色,常應用在化妝品和沐浴品調製。 用法:加水調成泥狀塗抹於臉部與脖子等部位,避開脆弱的眼睛四周,待10- 15分鐘後以清水充分洗淨。 保存方式:放置陰涼乾燥處,避免陽光直射。 A conditioning and nourishing mask for all skin types, Red Clay Facial Mask works particularly well with broken capillaries. Usage levels: •5 - 40% in masks •Although its high colour base may cause some skin colouration with higher levels •Blends well with white, beige and ivory clay •Blend into the product when cool •Homogenisation is recommended Incompatibilities:Dissolves in highly acidic and highly alkaline solutions.