作者不以太陽與地球的相對位置與自轉來解釋日夜的規律循環,而是將夜晚當成男孩收藏的魔法收進盒子裡,每當大地開始打哈欠、鳥兒停止歌唱、影子逐漸拉長,男孩揮手與大家告別後便會打開盒子-釋放出黑夜。 夜色迅速延伸、擴展,寧靜而強大,將所有色彩帶走、催促大伙們回巢休息,卻也邀請了許多夜行性的小動物們出來玩耍。當夜晚終於也玩累了,男孩起床後就將黑夜「嘩~」地收進盒子裡,天色也再次亮起... #日夜轉變的魔法 Soothing bedtime reading, this reassuring and magical evocation of nighttime encourages imaginative exploration and marks the debut of a talented poet and illustrator picture-book pair. When a little boy opens the Night Box, darkness swoops out, a fox uncurls, and a thousand stars sparkle and shine. Night flows freely then, cavorting and exploring, caring for all its creatures until morning comes, and it’s time for Night to rest again. With its soothing cadences and air of quiet wonder, The Night Box is sure to charm any sleepy listener who wonders what happens between sunset and sunrise. ISBN 9781405283762 書號 20221966