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Night Windows 成長繪本 書林平民繪本專賣店 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

Night Windows 成長繪本 書林平民繪本專賣店 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


這是我的新家,但我不覺得那是家,這個陌生的都市有著燈火斑斕的夜晚,遠方閃爍的光像是再對迎接新生活的我揮手,但我不習慣,這裡沒有朋友,沒有認識的人,同一棟公寓裡的人總看來那麼憤怒、匆忙、對我不屑一顧,或許這就是大都市。 但有一天當我坐在家前面的長椅上,我發現原來我住的公寓,有三隻老鼠正在樓梯上奔跑,一隻貓咪在窗外,樹上還躲了一隻蝙蝠,每一戶都充滿繽紛色彩,一戶有五個孩子的家正吵鬧成一團;樓下的作家正在絞盡腦汁寫作;隔壁的服裝店喜解正在為客戶量身訂做美麗的禮服;樓上的音樂家正試著譜出優美的曲調;三樓的大叔居然穿著女裝和假髮! 或許是沒有用心觀察,或許是我刻意冷漠,但其實這一切也沒有我想像得那麼糟! 小男孩透過自己的眼睛,觀察並思考住戶們間隱藏的奇妙連結,他能夠為這棟公寓帶來全新氣象嗎?他能夠透過細心關懷和友善協助,讓家更像一個家嗎?荷蘭插畫家Aart Jan Venema用他獨有的筆觸和色調訴說一個能發生在任何地方的故事,細膩描繪畫面的各種小細節,並暗藏許多致敬梗,讀者不妨在閱讀的同時一邊尋找小男孩描述的物件,更能發現繪者的用心,也提升整本繪本的豐富度。 #這裡就是我的家 #改變就從自己開始 This is an illuminating tale about making friends and coming home' -- FOREWORD REVIEW A lonely boy finds his feet in a new city by watching his neighbours’ lives unfold behind their lit windows. Adjusting to life in a new city is tough. When a young boy moves from the countryside, everyone around him seems so unfriendly. Lonely and homesick, he sits on a bench outside his new apartment block and watches the busy urban lives going on behind the lit windows. Gradually he begins to interact with the people around him, and ends up making a whole host of new friends. Written in a syncopated, urban rhyme, this book explores the challenges of moving house and finding friends, and is also a heartfelt love letter to city living. A search-and-find element will keep children young and old entertained for hours, as they scour the vibrant, detailed illustrations of Aart Jan Venema, which are perfectly complemented by the elegant printing and packaging of this unique book. ISBN 9781908714565 書號 30244283






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