Franklin and Luna and the Book of Fairy Tales 童話改編繪本 書林平民繪本專 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
Franklin和Luna又回來了~而這次Luna要來慶祝Franklin的生日!Luna和所有村民共同策劃了一個驚喜派對,為了不讓Franklin提前發現派對,因此Luna帶著Franklin來到了一家書店。 在書店裡,Luna的烏龜Neil找到了一本被封起來的書,而好奇心旺盛的Neil為了靠近看,就這麼被這本書吸進了書中的世界! Luna和Franklin該如何拯救Neil?而他們在書中的世界又會遭遇甚麼樣的危險呢? 在本書中,小朋友可以在其中看到許多熟悉的童話故事的角色,但這些角色又和以往所熟知的不盡相同,不論過去是好是壞的角色皆同心協力幫助Luna和Franklin共同前往拯救Neil,故事最終也贏來圓滿的結局。 作者利用優美的韻腳,難度適中的單字,精緻的圖畫,以及熟悉的童話故事人物,將這本書打造成大人與小孩皆適宜的繪本,可以輕鬆愉快地徜徉在故事中,想知道經典童話故事與原創故事可以如何迸出新火花的話,絕對不要錯過這本哦! #經典與原創的結合 #不一樣的童話 A new adventure where Franklin and Luna follow their friend the tortoise into a dusty fairy-tale kingdom. Who will they meet there? Franklin and Luna are back again and this time it’s Franklin’s birthday! Luna and all the villagers are planning a surprise party. While the party is being set up, Luna takes Franklin book shopping, and Luna’s tortoise, Neil, finds a padlocked book of fairy tales and can’t help picking the lock. But when he peers inside, the book swallows him whole! Franklin and Luna dive into the book to rescue Neil and tumble into a cobwebbed forest where they meet dusty fairy-tale characters who have been trapped inside the pages for hundreds of years. In this new Franklin and Luna adventure, the adorable duo meet three pig architects, a wolf with a New Age attitude, and a very bored princess. Desperate to be brought to life, these fairy-tale characters join Franklin and Luna on their hunt for Neil, realizing that the only way to escape the book is to trek all the way through it. Find out if Franklin and Luna find Neil and make it back in time for Franklin’s party in this exciting, new, picture-book adventure. In the third volume of the Franklin and Luna series, well-loved fairy-tale characters are vividly and wittily recreated to great effect. Illustrated in color throughout ISBN 9780500651759 書號 30246812