Franklin and Luna Go to the Moon 繪本迷真愛收藏推薦 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
Franklin and Luna Go to the Moon 繪本迷真愛收藏推薦 描述
【你最喜歡的龍和少女回來了!Franklin和Luna的尋根之旅】 “Franklin and Luna Go to the Moon” 30239388 熱於冒險的Luna聽了許多故事,而她的好伙伴烏龜Neil Armstrong陪她悠遊於書海。她的好友Franklin全身綠且比她大上好幾倍~他們知道的事可多著呢!精靈調皮愛搗蛋、看不見的靈魂其實笨笨傻傻的、狼人愛去海邊度假,某天Luna問了個難倒Franklin的問題:他的家人都去哪了?踏遍地球、問過各種生物,他們仍舊毫無線索。甚至google了到底哪裡找的到Franklin的家人。 記得最前面出現的Neil Armstong嗎?他清清喉嚨指向天空,Luna突然想起他們找過各處,卻忘記往上看。空氣、星光與遙遠的星系,似乎讓Franklin想起了甚麼?他能順利找到同類,宇宙中無限,可能有他要的答案嗎? 繼Franklin's Flying Bookshop之後,Jen Campbell和Katie Harnett再度聯手推出Franklin的冒險故事。閱讀好寶寶和愛好和平的Franklin值得你一讀再讀、一翻再翻。 Franklin and Luna are back―and on an adventure to find Franklin’s long- lost dragon family. Luna’s best friend, Franklin, is a dragon. Together, they love to read stories about everything from trampolining to deep- sea diving. One day, while they are reading about fascinating creatures and their origins, Franklin begins to wonder where he is from. He is 605 years old and has no idea where to find other dragons. Luna suggests that they go on an adventure to find his family. They Google his family tree, they e-mail a princess for his parents’ address, and along the way they find twenty yetis eating spaghetti, five vampires reading Shakespeare, and discodancing unicorns . . . but no dragons. One night it dawns on Luna that they should travel to the moon to see if there are any dragons there, so Franklin rockets them into space. When they land, they are met by Franklin’s long- lost dragon family for a heart- warming reunion. Following the success of Franklin’s Flying Bookshop, Franklin and Luna Go to the Moon― a book about the joys of reading, exploring, and coming home― continues to bring the magic of classic fairy tales into the twenty- first century. Illustrated in color throughout ISBN-10: 0500651469 ISBN-13: 978-0500651469 Product Dimensions: 11.2 x 0.4 x 11.5 inches