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Collins English Readers: Amazing Scientists 附CD 文學簡讀本 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

Collins English Readers: Amazing Scientists 附CD 文學簡讀本 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


讀偉人傳記學英文:認識歷史上的Amazing People。 Collins English Readers: Amazing People系列是一系列短篇傳記讀本,按行業領域劃分,介紹歷史上藝術、思想、政治、商業和科學等不同領域偉人的生平。 每本包含同領域五到六位傑出人士的傳記,獨立成篇,並附有主角的生平大事記。讀者可從頭依序讀起,也可以跳躍式挑幾篇細讀。在學習英語的同時品嘗一篇篇雋永的真實傳記,邀請您一同認識這些改變歷史的傳奇人物。 本系列按文章難度共分四級,適合初階至中等的英語學習者。每篇文章皆會標註超過該閱讀等級之生字,並在書末加以釋義。單字注釋使用Collins COBUILD Essential English Dictionary(一、二級)及Collins COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary(三、四級)。每本書附有CD配件,網路上也有資源可供參考,請至 查詢。 產品特色: ●附CD一片,偉人傳記讀給你聽 ●書末簡明單字表,生難字詞好整理 ●嚴謹區分四級難度,循序漸進磨練閱讀 各級程度對照: 分級 CEF 等級換算 頁數 全書字數 對應單字量 Level 1 A2 64 5000-8000 約700 Level 2 A2-B1 80 8000-11000 約900 Level 3 B1 96 11000-15000 約1100 Level 4 B2 112 15000-19000 約1700 The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history. Contents: Antoine Lavoisier who wrote the first modern chemistry textbook Humphry Davy who discovered ‘laughing gas’ Charles Darwin who changed people’s ideas with his theory of evolution Gregor Mendel who first discovered the science of genetics Louis Pasteur who saved millions of lives by killing germs Francis Crick who helped to discover the structure of DNA BRITISH ENGLISH Word count: 13,021 Headword count: 1,064 Each book includes a full recording of each story online. PLUS: visit for videos, teacher resources and self-study materials. This book is Level 3 in the Collins ELT Readers series. Level 3 is equivalent to CEF level B1. About the Amazing People series: A unique opportunity for learners of English to read about the exceptional lives and incredible abilities of some of the most insightful people the world has seen. Each book contains six short stories, told by the characters themselves, as if in their own words. The stories explain the most significant parts of each character’s life, giving an insight into how they came to be such an important historic figure. After each story, a timeline presents the most major events in their life in a clear and succinct fashion. The timeline is ideal for checking comprehension or as a basis for project work or further research. Created in association with The Amazing People Club. About Collins ELT Readers: Collins ELT Readers are divided into four levels: Level 1 – elementary (A2) Level 2 – pre-intermediate (A2–B1) Level 3 – intermediate (B1) Level 4 – upper intermediate (B2) Each level is carefully graded to ensure that the learner both enjoys and benefits from their reading experience. ISBN:978-957-445-779-3,96頁







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