Collins: Hotel and Hospitality English 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
書籍介紹 適合程度:Pre-intermediate 科技大學英語課程 級數:CEF from A2-B1 配備:學生本、Audio MP3 本書以情境進行餐旅英文學習,透過照片及多元情境,輕鬆營造生動有趣的上課氣氛,讓學生輕鬆了解餐旅英文、關鍵詞彙與句型,溝通無障礙。 每單元均有明確的學習目標、片語與文法或是該情境需要注意的文化禮儀,學習精準不失焦,迅速累積溝通能力與技巧。 每單元包含 1. 會話--以情節人物串連及情境,搭配圖片,學生迅速融入情境,幫助學習。 2. 關鍵片語、實用功能語詞—搭配情境,學習最適切的用語說法,並於文中以粗體字強調,方便學生記憶與學習。 3. 語言用法—列舉英式與美式英文文化及用法上的差異。 4. 練習—包含聽力、口語、書信練習,以情境引導方式,訓練學生思考及完成任務能力。 Learn through Photo Story Real-life situations &tasks Welcome to the Metro Hotel. Here’s Sarah who works on reception, Simon who is head of GuestServices and David the bartender. In the Hotel and Hospitality Englishyou can follow the daily lives of the Metro Hotel staff. Listen to Sarah, Simon and David talking to guests and answering the phone, and learn the English you need to meet your own guests’ needs. Listen to the conversations to learn to communicate with guests Have fun with practice activities Use the key phrases in your own work life Fullcolor book with 24 units and reference section including: keywords and phrases,pronunciation guide and model emails ISBN: 9789574455300