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Mrs. Dalloway (達洛威夫人) 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

Mrs. Dalloway (達洛威夫人) 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


《達洛維夫人》是典型的意識流小說,所有的思緒,回顧以及現實都發生在六月的某一天;所有的場景都緊密圍繞人物的思緒展開。作者吳爾芙淡化了直接對話與間接對話的差異性,以直敘和『全知性』口吻描述故事的進展。小說記錄了20多個角色的自語和心緒,但著重描述達洛威夫人和史密斯的經歷。 作者簡介 維吉尼亞‧吳爾芙(Virginia Woolf, 1882-1941)二十世紀最重要的英國小說家、散文家之一,也是文學史上現代主義與女性主義的先鋒。出生於倫敦書香世家,自幼耳濡目染,聰穎且善感,非常年輕時便展現出眾的寫作才能,對二十世紀初期的英國文化影響極深。 Mrs. Dalloway takes place over the course of a single day in a woman’s life in 1920’s London. There are flowers to buy, outfits to choose, but also a visit from a past lover, and the tragic fate of a young war veteran who cannot adjust to life in post-war London. Virginia Woolf’s supple and mesmerizing account of an ordinary day draws the reader into the minds, perceptions, and emotions of an astonishingly varied and vivid cast of characters. Woolf reminds us that each day, hour, and even minute of our lives harbors the potential to transform us and those around us. The novel ranks among those rare, timeless books that speak to us anew with each reading. Virginia Woolf was born in London in 1882 and died in 1941. With her husband, Leonard Woolf, she founded the Hogarth Press, internationally acclaimed as a novelist, critic, and stylist, Virginia Woolf, says E. M. Forster, gave acute pleasure in new ways, and pushed the light of the English language a little further against darkness. ISBN 957586767X 書號 00111690






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