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Mrs Mole, I'm Home! 誠品eslite 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

Mrs Mole, I'm Home! 誠品eslite 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


內容簡介 老婆,我回來啦! 糊塗大近視,鼴鼠先生返家歷險記 下班囉!鼴鼠正準備回家,沒想到眼鏡卻不見了!這下子,大近視眼的他,只好憑印象和 直覺,挖路回家了。他挖挖挖,挖到兔子家,叫錯老婆,好糗啊!再挖挖挖,挖到貓頭鷹家,錯把樹幹當孩子猛親,又鬧笑話;接著他又挖挖挖,「好冷啊!」,這次是來到…企鵝家!拍謝拍謝喔!再挖,「真好,老婆放好洗澡水了」… 這是鱷魚家!嚇死了,快跑!!接連跑錯好多家,鼴鼠開始傷心起來,到底能不能找到家呢?突然,飄來熟悉的蟲蟲麵香味…!回到家,這才發現,眼鏡好像一直沒離開鼴鼠先生耶!而且鼴鼠先生答應孩子絕對不再忘記眼鏡,隔天卻出更大的包…。 你是不是也有眼鏡就在頭上,卻突然找不到眼鏡在哪裡的經驗呢?這本Mrs Mole, I'm Home! 絕對讓你共鳴地拍案叫絕! Root for Morris the spectacle-wearing mole to find his way home in this laugh-out-loud story from Jarvis, the creator of Alan's Big, Scary Teeth. "The witty Jarvis makes all the right moves" New York Times From Jarvis, the creator of Alan's Big, Scary Teeth, comes another truly unmissable, hilarious adventure about a daddy mole who has mislaid his spectacles. Morris can't find them anywhere. So, he decides to go on without them, trusting his instincts to lead him the right way home to his waiting family and delicious dinner of worm noodles. "Mrs Mole, I'm homeeee!" he sings he burrows right into some poor unsuspecting rabbit family's hole. Oh dear. Without his spectacles, Morris really can't see a single thing - how will he ever get home? With perfect comic timing and a whole lot of heart, Jarvis will have all readers rooting for Morris to find his family, and rejoicing in the idea that - glasses or no glasses - you can always make your way back to home sweet home.





出貨速度蠻好的,雖然只有買一本書,但包裝一樣很仔細,只是有點不太環保 哈哈!書很乾淨沒什麼損傷,很棒!

包裝完整,寄貨速度快!有需要會一買再買的! 包裝完整,寄貨速度快!有需要會一買再買的!



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