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Who Are You?: The Kid's Guide to Gender Identity 繪本迷真愛收藏推薦 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

Who Are You?: The Kid's Guide to Gender Identity 繪本迷真愛收藏推薦 規格

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Who Are You?: The Kid's Guide to Gender Identity 繪本迷真愛收藏推薦 描述

【我是誰?寫給小讀者的自我探索書】"Who Are You?" 不管別人怎麼看你,你就是你最了解的那個自己! 性別可以有幾種理解呢?當小嬰兒出生,我們會依據他的身體來判斷他是男孩或是女孩;隨著他漸漸長大,有了各式各樣的喜好與興趣,對自我的認同也慢慢成熟,這時性別的面向變得多元,並非以兩性等傳統分類就能忠實反映人們的獨特。然而,無論你是什麼樣貌,擁有甚麼身分,你都能選擇做最理想的自己! 身處人際網路的我們,有時很辛苦。當自己的喜好、打扮或長相和其他人不同時,就得刻意隱藏自己來迎合別人。但在這個提倡開放多元的時代裡,或許我們可以試著勇敢一次,大聲說出自己是誰;或許我們可以教導下一代,當其他人面對主流價值或多數意見時做了不一樣的選擇,我們應該用包容與理解來回應,而不是排斥與嘲笑。 本書是孩童對自我探索的引導書,除了圖文的說明,在開頭與書末都有詳盡的文字解說,與其他可延伸閱讀的好故事。另外附錄一個活動紙圓盤,從生理性別、自我認同到喜好,藉由簡單的活動讓小讀者更認識自己。 What do you like? How do you feel? Who are you? This brightly illustrated children's book provides a straightforward introduction to gender for anyone aged 5-8. It presents clear and direct language for understanding and talking about how we experience gender: our bodies, our expression and our identity. An interactive three-layered wheel included in the book is a simple, yet powerful, tool to clearly demonstrate the difference between our body, how we express ourselves through our clothes and hobbies, and our gender identity. Ideal for use in the classroom or at home, a short page-by-page guide for adults at the back of the book further explains the key concepts and identifies useful discussion points. This is a one-of-a-kind resource for understanding and celebrating the gender diversity that surrounds us. ISBN-10: 1785927280 ISBN-13: 978-1785927287 Product Dimensions: 9.6 x 0.4 x 9.7 inches

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