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德佛札克 柴可夫斯基 小夜曲 Dvorak Tchaikovsky Serenades 20045 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

德佛札克 柴可夫斯基 小夜曲 Dvorak Tchaikovsky Serenades 20045 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2020 國際條碼: 25 音樂廠牌: audite 德佛札克:E大調第一號小夜曲 / 柴可夫斯基:C大調小夜曲 柳澤寿男 指揮 巴爾幹室內管弦樂團 兩件最受歡迎的弦樂小夜曲: 德佛札克的弦樂小夜曲充滿了波希米亞音調般旋律的概念和感官的和諧. 柴可夫斯基的弦樂小夜曲是一件華麗的作品, 也可說是一件”沒有管樂的交響曲”, 結合了洛可可風格的優雅與偉大浪漫的姿態. 日本指揮家柳澤寿男為了促進種族動盪的巴爾幹國家之間的了解而於2007年創立巴爾幹室內管弦樂團. 從此之後, 該樂團在這多年來成為透過音樂聯繫全世界各民族的橋樑. ​Two of the most popular string serenades: Dvorak's Serenade for Strings is full of melodic ideas and sensual melodiousness in a Bohemian tone. Tchaikovsky's Serenade for Strings is a sumptuous work, a "symphony without winds" so to speak, and combines rococo elegance with great romantic gesture. The BCO was founded in 2007 by Japanese conductor Toshio Yanagisawa in order to foster understanding among the Balkan nations, shaken by ethnic conflicts. Since then, the BCO has served as a cultural bridge connecting people through music, for many years now also around the world. Antonín Dvorak Serenade E-Dur fur Streichorchester op. 22 31:43 1 I. Moderato 5:10 2 II. Tempo di valse 6:33 3 III. Scherzo. Vivace 5:53 4 IV. Larghetto 7:35 5 V. Finale. Allegro vivace 6:32 Peter Tschaikowsky Serenade C-Dur fur Streichorchester op. 48 31:47 6 I. Pezzo in forma di sonatina: Andante non troppo – Allegro moderato 9:53 7 II. Valse: Moderato – Tempo di valse 3:56 8 III. Elegie: Larghetto elegiaco 10:05 9 IV. Finale (Tema Russo): Andante – Allegro con spirito 7:53 63:36






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